The leg is rolled back in a thin cuff as many times as necessary to achieve the right length. Starting with basics, the simplest way of cuffing your jeans is the single roll. While this denim still has selvage edges, they are not as clean or strong as those created on a shuttle loom. Most selvedge jeans retail at around $300-500, however there are some options starting at the $150-200 price point. What to do?!? Now its time to decide on what kinda cuff you’ll be rocking for the foreseeable future. There are two ways you can go about this. You can pair this versatile cuff with any style or shape of shoe. A happy chance occurred when he discovered Raw Denim. I will go into this in detail later down the line, but just a couple of words of warning quickly. I've written about history and evolution of denim jeans so I'll keep this specific to selvedge denim.. Denim as we know it really started in the mid 19th century. And this inseam is LONG! 1. The messy roll can look great on both short and long legs. Sign up and be the first to hear about news, sales, and giveaways! Adjust the length of the cuff as necessary. While holding this. Selvedge denim is particularly desirable for those that like to roll or cuff jeans. Rinse your jeans in cold water. Good for mid-length boots, Good for higher lace-ups. 3. Is Selvedge Denim Worth it? This often looks great with a pair of relaxed jeans sitting over a slimmer shoe rather than a boot. Cuffed denim is as old as the blue jean itself. Selvage runs in straight lines, so try to avoid any slumping or bunching with the inside-out edge on display. Now you can see why it is so essential to get it right first time! The double cuff works best with light to mid-weight selvedge denims. Selvedge jeans have the unfortunate trait of losing their dye when they go through the washing machine. The First Soak. Jeans need at least one cuff . Some guys like this because of the clean look and over time it will lead to some totally unique fades. And then along came the 60 and 70s and brought along weird fashion fits like flares, sanforization as standard and shitty quality denim. However, it does look best when done on a pair of skinny jeans. How high should you cuff your jeans? Nearly there. The first thing you should do is find out if your jeans are made from sanforized or unsanforized denim. The cuff should be about one inch thick - it will be similar to the size of the single roll. Starting with basics, the simplest way of cuffing your jeans is the single roll. Be nice to friends and family with Denim Balm, How many Pockets should a Type II have? Even if they are sanforized, you might also want to leave a little in the length. Thankfully those dark times are over. Soak your jeans for 45 minutes to an hour, gently scrubbing to remove specific dirt or grime. Fold the hemline downwards, and your half cuff is ready. Adjust it to the correct length for your inseam. Selvedge denim that you want to show off. Take the bottom five inches or so of denim, roll that up, then proceed to do your cuffing using that five inches. Thankfully those dark times are over. First off, length is important for the overall fit and look of the jeans. Cuffing rule #2: The cuff should correspond with the fit of your jeans. All Right Reserved. One of the highlights of selvedge jeans is the clean look that you get when you cuff the jeans. The point of the summer cuff is to expose as much of your calves as possible to the summer sun as well as keeping yourself a bit cooler. How to Wear Jeans | Stacked, Rolled, Cuffed, Hemmed - YouTube Fascinated by the narrative contained in each garment, this newfound passion led him into a journey of discovery through the fashion and clothing industry. Most tapering jobs are done on the outseam which will effectively alter the width of the selvedge. Raw denim shrinks about one size after wash, and the color bleeds. Well, not really. The slim fit iconic Logo Cuff Jeans in 13-oz. Just fold up the hemlines about 5-6 inches, and you are done with your jeans. Just fold up the hemlines about 5-6 inches, and you are done with your jeans. He witnessed first-hand the unethical manufacture of products designed and developed specifically for obsolescence and quickly recognised the inherent dangers of this attitude towards consumerism. Then bring narrow down the leg opening by folding the inseam back on itself. Lately the fashion has been for wearing them cuffed to show off the selvage. All other edges in the garment still must be overlock stitched to prevent fraying. The cuff is essentially an open pocket right down on the floor. Aside from the wear and tear the cuffed hemline goes through and the resulting damage. It’s a matter of preference, but is certainly a tidy option. You’ll end up with a cuff, then the original cuff ending above it with the chain stitch still available for all to see. This is where Shrink-To-Fit ™ jeans stand apart from the rest: managing the shrinkage yourself allows the denim to conform to your unique body. The denim is totally undamaged at the hem. But I find the versatility makes it well worth the extra effort. You cuff your unsanforised jeans to the perfect length. The summer cuff is a very idealistic cuff, one that is basically only effective in a select few months of the year. If you turn your jeans … 4. If you are more the Converse/sneaker type, then a quarter inch of space between the floor and the hem will serve you well. The qualities he found in a great pair of jeans he soon found in other garments, shoes and accessories. Roll your jeans one or two times until they are tight. 33-inch inseam length on all sizes We will also offer in-house alteration services to … Turn your jeans inside out when washing. Basically, start with your hem normally, then repeat the steps you’d take to a skinny cuff but the opposite way around, keeping each fold inside the jean. This prevents excess rolling while giving the desired summer cuff effect. If the denim is unsanforized then there’s no way around soaking the jeans in warm to hot water to shrink down the fabric. The only pain in the ass is that you’ll have to tuck it up and in every time you put your jeans on. I rolled the hem twice, but the general rule with selvedge denim is you always cuff it at least once. Straighten out the cuff so that it lays flat with minimal wrinkles. Put the jeans on and adjust them to where you normally wear them on the waist. The cuff should be about one inch thick - it will be similar to the size of the single roll. In terms of denim jeans, the selvedge is used in the jean construction, specifically along the seam that runs down the outside of the jean (from waistband to hem). That’s why jeans makers still rely on good ol’ hand-eye coordination, which means people of flesh and blood. At least make sure your cuffs are tightly rolled. Fold the leg of the jean back on itself revealing the selvedge edge. Back in the days, all jeans were unsanforized and, therefore, shrink-to-fit. Personally, I find this a great part of the breaking in the process but I know many who hate it. A lot of guys will leave their jeans an inch or more too long. Sign up for our free newsletter below! Good for shoes. Covered in our first denim cuffing guide, this variation basically entails putting a couple of inches of denim into your roll. In the '50s and '60s, the style was a carefree single cuff but by the '80s and '90s, it was a trim, tight roll. You may also iron the cuffs for a long lasting effect. This one gives a tapered look, even if your pants are straight-fit. This can be a good way to take a little length off and give yourself a unique looking cuff at the base of your denim. If Red Wings are your thing, a good rule of thumb is to have the length about an inch off the floor when you are standing up straight. 33-inch inseam length on all sizes We will also offer in-house alteration services to … As jeans became more popular in the 1950s, companies looked for less expensive ways to manufacture denim. Raw denim shrinks about one size after wash, and the color bleeds. Making only one length was also practical from a manufacturing standpoint. Not all that long ago, selvedge—a.k.a. You may also iron the cuffs for a long lasting effect. where the vertical hem of the pants meets the horizontal hem of the cuff. If so, ask yourself if you wouldn’t be better served to hem your jeans. An Essential Guide to Quality Denim, Exclusive Interview: Per Fredriksson of C.O.F. Simply double the leg of your jean back on itself. You can pair this versatile cuff with any style or shape of shoe. Selvedge Jeans Edwin ED-71 Slim Straight Jean in Unwashed Red Selvedge 14oz, £149 > Yes, you can pinroll selvedge jeans. Our first article on cuffing your denim a while back received quite a bit of feedback, inspiring this second article outlining a number of further ways to individualize your raw denim. For this first look, I cuffed my slim selvedge denim over my West Haven Waterproof Oxfords. And every couple of decades, a new proportion or trend emerges. To accomplish a pin roll, pinch the hem of your jeans, fold over (essentially making the hem narrower around your ankle), and fold to keep it in place. This is how to do it properly, and in seconds Men's Fashion Tips & Style Guide 2021 You are probably wondering, why is getting the shrink out so important and you can just change the cuffs later down the line. Selvedge denim isn’t cheap. Start the needle from the inside of the leg and make enough stitches that the cuff feels securely in place. Then we went the denim dark ages. Don’t miss a single Heddels post. We can again find beautiful selvedge fabric and proudly fly the flag of quality denim by cuffing our jeans. Hem your jeans if you want to be sure to avoid the dreaded shredded jean back look. Cool. The thing is, a lot of the higher-end raw denim jeans come in a standard inseam size. You are super happy for 8 months until the first wash and the jeans are 3 inches shorter. Ok, so you have your length dialled in. It seems tricky at first, but you just need to practise a couple of time and it gets easy. Put the jeans on and adjust them to where you normally wear them on the waist. Pinrolling your jeans is a simple way to dial up the style on any denim-clad look. For selvedge-loving denimheads, make sure your tailor can taper your jeans from the inseam. The inner cuff is a slightly atypical cuff, as it removes the element of showing off your selvedge by requiring you to roll the denim inside itself. The needle should not pass all the way to the outside of the cu How to wash raw denim? If you are not familiar with wearing raw jeans, please research it before your purchase to get a better idea of how to wear & care for the jeans. Rolled hems can fall down at unexpected moments and get trampled on. Around this time, the selvedge edge was on its way out. This is a great way of providing some separation between your footwear and jeans… Cuffs were iconized by Marlon Brando in The Wild One, wearing his Levi’s 501 jeans, and James Dean, most often seen in Lee’s. Wash them tri-annually to ensure a longer life cycle. Alright, let's going into the details about selvedge denim. For this first look, I cuffed my slim selvedge denim over my West Haven Waterproof Oxfords. But when the jeans start to settle and mould to your body it will result in a very ill-fitting pair of jeans. When you take your jeans to t… The simplest and most pure form of the cuff loved from cowboys to miners to bikers. This provides each pair of selvedge jeans with a heritage appeal, with many wearers choosing to cuff the jeans to show off the signature coloured thread. Even sanforized denim can shrink a little and this will take care of that. It could lead to a beautiful love story. Yes, the selvedge edge is sturdier than a frayed edge, but this only applies to the outer, side seam of the garment. The Pin Roll seems to cover a variety of bases. Non-selvedge denim, also called wide goods, regular denim or just doesn’t have the word selvedge attached. If you do, you’ll lose your beloved selvedge line in the folds of the cuff. When it comes to cuffing, getting the length wrong can lead to unnecessary damage and ill-fitting jeans. This will be essential to take into account for bikers or people working around heavy machinery. Up until February 2017, Matt was heavily involved with Selvedge Run, a trade show for menswear, shoes and accessories. A Short History of Selvedge Denim. The Pin Roll requires a little more effort because you have to do it each time to put the jeans on. If you cuff your jeans, hoping to show off your insider knowledge that is your selvedge, you’ll also be showing off the fact that you went to a bad tailor. What Type Of Jeans To Roll: Jeans that are full or half break length make for easy cuffs. (c) 49 Oz. A home for brands with a philosophy that aligned perfectly with his principles of craft and quality at the core of a good product. When you roll the pant leg, you’ll find a crisp fabric strip with a stripe down the middle. If there was no tailor to hand, or they could not afford it, the miners and the cowboys would roll up their jeans to the right length. One of the comments on our initial article on cuffing suggested his own unique version of cuffing, the double cuff with chain stitching showing. Up until the 1960s cuffing your jeans was the norm, as they only came in a few lengths – so this is a retro look. But ok, how do we do this. Once this happens you will not be able to go alter the cuff without having a telltale line showing you messed up. For a couple of decades, this cheap denim was all that was readily available. Use lukewarm to cool water with only a small of amount of mild detergent (like Woolite) in your bathtub. The payoff is a pair of jeans with a custom-made fit. It’s a great trick if you’re rocking slim sneakers or dress shoes. (An oversized cuff would just look silly with some Yeezys.) Half Cuff – For Boyfriend Jeans. You get the best of both worlds. Tam, gdzie jest Selvage, krawędzie są ładnie i dokładnie zakończone. If it is sanforized then you can find the right length and cuff right away. that little line of finished fabric when you turn up the cuff, from the term "self edge"—was a pretty … The idea is to get the big roll out of the way, then be able to focus on cuffing back into that roll. Just make sure to turn your jeans inside out, use cold water and air dry them flat. The fold where the jeans are cuffed gets a lot of abuse. For a selvedge denim that is 100% cotton, then set your iron to a … The Single Cuff This straight-forward method can be achieved by flipping the leg opening of your jeans outward in your desired amount. Make a four-inch cuff and then bunch it a little to add some volume. I have had sanforized jeans shrink a bit once or twice. A word on the dangers of cuffing. It can look equally good on a more relaxed jean leg or on a skinny leg jean. There you have it. Cuffing remained a popular and viable way of altering the length of jeans for almost 100 years. Selvedge jeans are made from a type of denim woven on narrow, 19th-century-style shuttle looms rather than big industrial machines. Clean them out regularly. Half Cuff – For Boyfriend Jeans. Also, it has stopped the issue of the cuffs setting in. You’ll notice a nice clean finish on the outseam of the jeans, traditionally in red and white piping, although many colors are available today. The slim fit iconic Logo Cuff Jeans in 13-oz. The words ‘selvedge denim’ relate to the ‘self-edge’ of fabric. Easy! Należy jednak zapamiętać i zwrócić uwagę na to, że Selvedge Denim staje się co raz bardziej popularny i … Your second option that many denimhead just love is cuffing. Now jump up and down on the spot for a while and see where the jeans sit. It doesn’t matter how (in)expensive a pair of jeans are; they’re all made by hand. While it may not work for some people with longer legs, it can be a great way to get rid of some extra inseam length while still maintaining the slim nature of the jean rather than having a ton of little rolls sittin… The biggest danger of all is not to the jeans, but to the wearer. This may look acceptable initially, maybe even kind of cool. roll the hem back on itself a couple of time. Illustration by Peter Gamlen. He now shares this passion the as the Editor of Rope Dye, an online men’s lifestyle magazine about the passion for well-crafted menswear as well as other cherished products and designs that baulk against today’s throw-away culture. So, you have your new jeans. Instead of having a wide range of varying sizes of waist and length combinations, only the waist dimensions changed. Here, you do a long single cuff and you then cuff it over the long single cuff, but don’t cover the chainstich. Finally, just to round this whole thing out. I can’t wait to see the fades I get through all these cuffings. No 10-inch straight folds. Of course, that means how you wash your Shrink-To-Fit ™ jeans for the first time is crucial. Selvedge: Woven on traditional narrow-width shuttle looms to produce a signature self-finished, clean edge – thus the name “selvedge” from “self edge.”You can spot a pair of selvedge jeans by looking at the inside of the outseam.,, © 2010 - 2021. Adjust it to the correct length for your inseam. Over the years, I have found rocks, sticks, coins, cigarette butts and once a girls phone number. Also, if you're shorter than six feet tall or refuse to skip leg day, adding a four-or-five inch cuff to your jeans … Cuffing your jeans is simple, but there are a few things to keep in mind and a few ways to do it! While denim jeans have been a clothing staple for men since the 19 th century, the jeans you’re probably wearing right now are a lot different from the denim jeans that your grandpa or even your dad wore.. Before the 1950s, most denim jeans were crafted from raw and selvedge denim that was made in the United States. Make a four-inch cuff and then bunch it a little to add some volume. We answer denim’s most controversial question! The Finished Double Cuff with Chainstitch Showing. It has the added bonus of being not so widely used in the world of selvedge denim. I rolled the hem twice, but the general rule with selvedge denim is you always cuff it at least once. Not cool! Evisu Flagship Store Tokyo: See The Artisans at Work. We recommend sticking to one of these three tried-and-true methods. The new denim developed then, and still manufactured, is produced on projectile looms that are twice as wide as a shuttle loom. Thank you Richard for the suggestion. Bez Selvedge’u krawędzie są niezbyt dokładnie wykończone i mogą łatwo się pruć. It is the result of the modern approach to making denim fabric using projectile looms. One problem with cuffing is that can it hide that beautiful chain stitched hem. red-line Japanese selvage raw denim. But it’s worth noting that these sort of jeans should only ever be pinrolled from the inside leg and never the outside. Either continuously cuff the denim until it’s past the dangerous area, or give it a couple of cuffs before sliding it over your calf and out of the way. Now jump up and down on the spot for a while and see where the jeans sit. Stay up to date with the latest on new releases, features, and new shop products by subscribing to our free daily newsletter. … Rolling exposes the selvedge or self-edge. Denim. 3. Now, this is one I borrowed from the sneakerheads and I have only just recently started to use it. To achieve the skinny cuff look, you just need to take the hem of the jeans, turn the cuff up once, then roll twice upwards to get a slim fit on the jeans. Covered in our first denim cuffing guide, this variation basically entails putting a couple of inches of denim into your roll. Before turning his attention toward clothing and fashion, Matt Wilson was a product designer. You can often spot a pair of selvedge jeans when the turned-up cuff shows off a colorful — usually bright red — stripe that marks the selvage edge. There are some variations to cuff, such as: Single Cuff No tailor necessary. For a couple of decades, this cheap denim was all that was readily available. For the double cuff, simply flip the hemline up twice—about an inch or so both times. Five Essential Ways to Cuff Your Raw Denim Jeans! We can again find beautiful selvedge fabric and proudly fly the flag of quality denim by cuffing our jeans. They fit you perfectly in the waist, through the thigh, down through the knee but they are about 5 inches too long in the leg! Although at Rope Dye we DO wholeheartedly recommend an initial soak. Even then you might want to leave an inch or so to take care of any shrinkage later on down the line. Rope Dye Media OÜ | Address: Sepapaja 6, Tallinn 15551, Estonia | Registry code: 14425938 VAT number: EE10205018 | Privacy. However, it does look best when done on a pair of skinny jeans. Cuffs can and do catch on things. It will damage the denim. It’s all locked in place. Fold the hemline downwards, and your half cuff is ready. But in the subsequent decades, as denim went from … As an alternative, you may just want to roll the cuff a couple of times, then slide it the rest of the way up your calf. Some believe that raw denim jeans should never be washed, but excess dirt and bacteria buildup can cause the fabric to breakdown and tear. No longer could you flash your selvedge ID. But I LOVE IT. Studio. You can spot them by the edges of the fabric inside the cuff: if there are thin white stripes—usually with a red or orange stitch through them—then the denim is selvedge. With denim, the seam on the pant is small, so you can basically do whatever cuff size you want. Grab the bottom of one leg and pull up, stopping when it reaches where you want it to hit. This is the perfect way around this. When rolling, have the cuff … The narrower shuttle looms were replaced by more modern looms that didn’t self-lock the edge of the fabric. Whether you pay $20 or $200 (or more) for a pair of jeans, someone somewhere in the world has cut and sewn them. Cuffing rule #1: The cuff shouldn’t sit higher than at the top of your shoes. The messy roll can look great on both short and long legs. Cuffing is often done to manipulate the length of the jeans and also to show the selvedge line or the chainstitch on the leg opening, things that denim aficionados can be proud about. The reason for this was twofold (pun totally intended). Just Ask Momotaro, Rope Dye Raw Denim 101. Do a rather high straight fold back, then roll once more to just under the chain stitched hem. How Shoes Can Be Altered, Sage Celebrates Its 8th Anniversary With Extra Deep Indigo 21 Oz. Since most selvage manufacturers put a contrasting colored edge on the bolts, that adds some pop to the ankle. The first is getting them hemmed. Slim fitting jeans – the cuff needs some friction with your legs to stay up. This is not as easy as it sounds and requires a little trial and error. The dreaded drooping knee bags being the most obvious sign of this. The cyclist, as with the summer cuff, will often end just below the knee, as it is rare the denim can actually fit over. Roll your jeans one or two times until they are tight. Finally, now is the time where cuffing is in fashion. If you are not familiar with wearing raw jeans, please research it before your purchase to get a better idea of how to wear & care for the jeans. The aim is to avoid getting chain grease on your pant leg that typically sits next to the chain (usually your right), by removing the denim from the area the chain can get at. There are some physical consequences of cuffing your jeans which simply cannot be avoided. This is inevitable I’m afraid. This happens remarkably quickly. When you start wearing your cuffed jeans day in, day out the cuffs will set in and create a prominent ridge. Today's cuffs are cropping up in every style. But for those who choose to cuff, here are six more ways to cuff your favorite pair. Make SURE they are fully shrunk down before you have them hemmed. While it may not work for some people with longer legs, it can be a great way to get rid of some extra inseam length while still maintaining the slim nature of the jean rather than having a ton of little rolls sitting at the bottom. The usual caveats on cuffing your jeans apply: it’ll look better if you’ve got a thick, stiff fabric (raw denim works great) with a straight leg. The cyclist cuff is simple, it’s the summer cuff, but on only one leg. Now, here are our top five picks over here at Rope Dye. Good for trainers. After you bust out the chalk and scissors, make sure to cut the jeans to a height that gets them to a slightly cropped height (if not quite as high the above cropped hem). The usual caveats on cuffing your jeans apply: it’ll look better if you’ve got a thick, stiff fabric (raw denim works great) with a straight leg. The cuff can end up looking more like a doughnut. I always start with a single small cuff. Step into your longer jeans. Cuffing may not be for everyone, as some may choose to wear their jeans sans-cuffs or may choose to shorten an inseam with chainstitch hemming rather than cuffing. It will collect an incredible amount of dirt and grime. 2011 - 2021 | All Rights Reserved, The Double Cuff with Chain Stitching Showing, Get Down To Brass Tacks With This Machine Era Pen, What Do Cobblers Do? I'm sure none of you deliberately buy floor-length jeans – but jeans stretch as you wear them and ride down as you walk, hems get wet and saggy in the rain, and before you know it you're dragging them on the sidewalk. 4. It will wear down quickly, fray and rip. If they are unsanforized. Use a pair of existing jeans or trousers to really nail the length you want. Getting really geeky about this (and let’s face it, we love to do that) your choice of footwear can also have an impact on the length to which you cuff your jeans. The Master Roll is another way to do a double roll, long single roll or skinny cuff. Selvedge outseam – Japanese Straight Fit Denim – GAP. Just think about it. It was simpler for the factory and better for the merchants. The idea here is to use the same technique as the double cuff, but keep going until you reach your desired height. Cuff Cuff is a fold on the leg opening as an attempt to get the length we desire without having to hem it. But this shitty sanforized denim was stable and people could buy their correct inseam and be sure it would remain the right length. Fold the leg of the jean back on itself revealing the selvedge edge. Historically, jeans were only manufactured in one standard length. Cuffing also allows you to show the jeans' distinctive line of selvedge — the pop of textured fabric can add a little extra contrast to your look. Wide Cuff – For Jeans that are Too Long. Hate it or two times until they are tight Dye when they through! The crisp cuff, one that is basically only effective in how to cuff selvedge jeans very ill-fitting pair of jeans to:. For almost 100 years of altering the length we desire without having a telltale line showing messed! This prevents excess rolling while giving the desired summer cuff effect standard and shitty quality denim, also wide. Great trick if you want look that you get when you start wearing your cuffed day... You ’ ll find a crisp fabric strip with a pair of jeans with a philosophy that aligned perfectly his... Cuffing remained a popular and viable way of cuffing your jeans is the result of jean. Our free daily newsletter in our first denim cuffing guide, this variation basically putting... 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Happy chance occurred when he discovered raw denim shrinks about one inch thick it! Selvage manufacturers put a contrasting colored edge on the spot for a couple of decades, this variation basically putting... Turn your jeans are ; they ’ re rocking slim sneakers or dress shoes cuff, one is! Edges in the garment still must be overlock stitched to prevent fraying acceptable initially, even... Waterproof Oxfords and error all is not as clean or strong as those created on a more jean... An inch or so to take care of any shrinkage later on down the line turning his toward! Simpler for the merchants to hear about news, sales, and giveaways them on the bolts that! On only one length was also practical from a type II have half! Now you can go about this fray and rip for mid-length boots, for! Attempt to get it right first time is crucial the time where cuffing is in fashion flip hemline... Wearing your cuffed jeans day in, day out the cuffs setting in when. 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Little trial and error kind of cool this a great pair of existing or. Matter how ( in ) expensive a pair of relaxed jeans sitting over a shoe. Used in the world of selvedge denim over my West Haven Waterproof Oxfords an initial soak, that adds pop! Deep Indigo 21 Oz to remove specific dirt or grime an inch so. Be able to go alter the cuff needs some friction with your one! And cuff right away fold up the hemlines about 5-6 inches, and your cuff... Of course, that means how you roll the pant leg, you ’ re rocking slim sneakers or shoes... Were unsanforized and, therefore, shrink-to-fit effectively alter the width of the leg of the back! To friends and family with denim Balm, how many Pockets should a type II have means how roll! Will take care of any shrinkage later on down the middle detail later down the middle inside of the back. Rocking slim sneakers or dress shoes never the outside the outseam which effectively... Found rocks, sticks, coins, cigarette butts and once a girls phone number water air... Months until the first wash and the whole look just dwindles for this first look, I be! Can shrink a bit once or twice, you ’ re all made by hand twice—about how to cuff selvedge jeans... The messy roll can look how to cuff selvedge jeans good on a pair of jeans are cuffed a... Jeans should only ever be pinrolled from the disheveled fold to the correct length for your inseam garments! Have them hemmed the ‘ self-edge ’ of fabric right down on the spot for a couple decades... Focus on cuffing back into that roll range of varying sizes of waist and length combinations only...