balfour aralia toxicity

Mist often. The wandering jew is much more iffy. For example, Madagascar palm (Pachypodium lamerei), an Apocynaceae, seems to be considered toxic by just about all sources and is so listed here, yet I can find no proof whatsoever that it really is. All parts contain saponins which cause gastrointestinal irritation, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Mist often. Even so, if you want to take no chances, here is a list of houseplants you can safely grow even when you have small children, cats and dogs: Nontoxic Houselants for Kids, Cats and Dogs. I keep it about 4 feet high. Aralia Balfour Variegated & Lemon Lime 10 in. Although we may associate coffee with a warm, tasty, beverage, the geranium leaf aralia can be toxic when ingested by animals, including dogs and cats. Any links to research or similar? Beside this, is Aralia toxic to cats? There are all sorts of reasons why you should keep plants out of reach of children and pets! They aren’t (at least not to humans), but are so labeled because they were sprayed with potentially toxic pesticides. What soil can I buy that is best for this plant, or do I need to mix the contents to make the soil that is best for this plant ? This includes not only fruit, but leaves, stems, flowers, etc. Full sun (6 or more hours of direct sunlight a day), Partial Shade (Direct sunlight only part of the day, 2-6 hours). Source: Forest & Kim Starr, Wikimedia Commons, The dieffenbachia is well know to have toxic sap. The vast majority of plants listed here are only poisonous if consumed, although a few have sap that can irritate the skin. Enter the student's information below OR if you received an order form letter from us, enter the ID number to populate the student's information. Source: JJ Harrison, Wikimedia Commons, Tangerines and other citrus are somewhat toxic to dogs, more seriously so to cats. Source:, The avocado is safe for human, but toxic to pets. A surprising number of houseplants are poisonous to people and even more are poisonous to pets. sold in nurseries are sometimes labeled “not for human consumption,” leading buyers to presume they are toxic. A native of the Southwest Pacific Islands, it's commonly grown in gardens. This medium- to slow-growing houseplant is one of the best for high-light situations. Also, thank you so much for the list (both toxic and non-toxic), it’s been a tremendous help while indoor plant shopping. Exotic Angel® Plants. False aralia is a sensitive plant and will drop its leaves if stressed. 🙂. For example, most toxicologists automatically list all euphorbias (Euphorbia spp.) The Aralia Balfouriana plant, also known as Balfour Aralia or Polyscias Balfouriana, is most commonly found as a house plant, though it can be grown outdoors in hardiness zones 10 and 11. According to the LA Times, Ming Aralia is toxic and can cause symptoms like swelling of the mouth, diarrhea, and nausea. Notably, young children and small pets could be affected by smaller amounts of toxin than an adult or large pet. You can read my care tips for an Aralia … Twisting green stems speckled with gray spots. Leaflets are ovate. Source: Rob Hille, Young children could easily mistake Jerusalem cherry fruits for candies. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. I used various Web sites and reference books in preparing the list that follows … and they didn’t always agree. Balfour Aralia Plant Care Tips Light: Provide filtered sunlight (near bright window). Please be sure to check the name of the plant to determine its toxicity. Even many plants with edible parts have poisonous organs: you wouldn’t want to eat anything but fruit from cherry and apple trees, for example, and everything on potato plants is poisonous except the tubers. Aralia Castor & Bianca 4 in. I write about this situation here: Its emerald-green leaves are edged in white. You’ll notice that, on the list below, there are more plants toxic to pets than to humans. Add elegance to your home or office with stately false aralia. Its emerald-green leaves are edged in white. Balfour Aralia benefits from a well-drained soil and occasional application of nitrogen-rich fertilizer. Aralia / ə ˈ r eɪ l i ə /, or spikenard, is a genus of the family Araliaceae, consisting of 68 accepted species of deciduous or evergreen trees, shrubs, and rhizomatous herbaceous perennials.The genus is native to Asia and the Americas, with most species occurring in mountain woodlands. We commonly grow a 5 foot plant in a 10 in. tip of the day. The plant is prone to root-rot when over-watered therefore it is advisable to neglect on part of watering. There are so many others that are just as beautiful or even more so. Yet one human might react to plant X and another not. See this plant in the following landscape: Cultivars / Varieties: Tags: #poisonous #heat tolerant #houseplant #container plant #tropical feel I have a beautiful dinner plate aralia growing in a container next to my front door - in total shade - and it's been thriving for several years. You literally need a guinea pig (or other rodent) to test for plant toxicity. Positive: On Dec 8, 2008, Kaytucci from Pella, IA wrote: I'm growing this plant as a bonsai,,,,kaytucci. ming aralia is listed as edible. The aralia balfour is a fantastic looking plant that is valued for its beautiful foliage, which come three leaves to a stem on a study trunk. All have somewhat toxic sap than can cause skin irritation. What little specialists know about plant toxicity generally has to be derived from actual accidental poisonings. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. form a strategic partnership called N.C. Determining which plants are poisonous actually turns out to be very difficult. 4 Variegated Aralia Balfour - Polyscias scutellaria Balfour Aralia (Polyscias scutellaria) also known as the dinner plate plant is very fashionable and modern for the home or office. Source:, English ivy (Hedera helix) is a popular trailing houseplant that is toxic in all its parts. Although plants rarely cause poisoning, they’re often suspected of causing poisoning. The transparent gel in the center can be used safely. Balfour Aralia (Polyscias scutellaria) and the cultivar named Fabian, Balfour Aralia (Polyscias scutellaria 'Fabian') do apparently contain toxins that can cause vomiting, diarrhea, skin irritation and rash, etc. For the purposes of this article, which is about houseplants, not cooking, I felt it was safest to include plants that are poisonous raw on the list. That’s why, for example, I’ve included spinach on the list of poisonous plants, even though you’d have to consume quite a lot of it to make yourself ill. Another example: begonia flowers are generally considered safe to eat as long as you consume no more than a few cupfuls at one time, but can be toxic if consumed in large quantities. The plant is named for its large round, scalloped leaves that resemble saucers. Source: Forest & Kim Starr, Wikimedia Commons, Properly prepared, sago is a staple food in some countries, but raw, all the parts of the so-called sago palm are toxic. Yes, they’re that common! Source:, The poinsettia is harmless to people, but its sap is somewhat toxic to pets. and when we do become poisoned, we usually recover. Source:, Sedums (here, Sedum rubrotinctum) are complicated when it comes to toxicity. The Aralia Balfouriana is a slow-growing plant. Source:, Ripe fruits of Natal plum are edible; all other parts are toxic. The above list can appear pretty scary, but if you read the text from the beginning, you’ll understand that poisonings due to plants are very rare indeed. More information on Polyscias. pot, and a 6-7 foot plant in a 14 in. It’s not likely to cause poisoning, as it is not attractive to people o most animals, but yes, it is poisonous. ( Log Out /  Many houseplants are safe for children and pets. And even when there is an apparent reaction to a plant, it might not be due to any toxic property of the plant, but to other factors. However, there are many plants known as wandering jew and some may be poisonous while others are not. There are plenty of non-toxic plants that are simply not good to eat, being either difficult to digest, bitter, unpalatable or simply of no interest to anybody’s taste buds. Source: Jerzy Opiola, There are many species of indoor fig, including this Ficus mclellandii ‘Alii’. As a house plant, the Balfour Aralia is popular not only because it grows vertically, but it also has attractive, scalloped leaves, edged in white. Hi Laidback Gardener, I am so confused about some of the plants (from non-toxic to toxic) on these list. These guys grow fast and appreciate bi-weekly fertilizer to keep pumping out those fuzzy flowers. In case of doubt, I went with Poisonous Plants, A Handbook for Doctors, Pharmacists, Toxicologists, Biologists and Veterinarians, Second Edition, by Dietrich Frohne and Hans Jürgen Pfänder, Timber Press, Portand, Oregon, 2005. Plants grown indoors include Japanese aralia, Ming aralia, Balfour aralia and False aralia. The Chenille plant is so cool though and completely non toxic. Source: Aralia Castor 6 in. Learn how your comment data is processed. The leaves of the aralia can be lobed, fringed or whole, and the plant itself has a thick, woody trunk. The Aralia can do I’ll pass on those plants then. People are very good at digesting complex proteins and alkaloids that can poison dogs, cats, birds, etc. N.C. Serious toxicologists have looked at this plant and declared it likely poisonous to pets and humans under the general “better safe than sorry” policy, but without, as far as I can tell, any actual proof. Aralia Balfour is a shrub or small tree that rarely flowers in cultivation. Also, be advised that the consumption of any plant material may cause vomiting and gastrointestinal upset for dogs and cats. No one tests potentially poisonous plants on pets. Another is the poinsettia (E. pulcherrima), which has only mildly irritating sap and isn’t really toxic to humans, although it is slightly toxic to cats and dogs. That’s because it isn’t ethical to actually test potentially poisonous plants by feeding them to plants. Even when ingested, they’re more likely to make humans feel ill than to kill anyone. The tree contains saponins, which are a type of toxin that can lead to skin irritation within the mouth and gastrointestinal tract once consumed. ( Log Out /  ( Log Out /  Aralia plants are incredibly easy to keep happy and healthy. Thank you so much for the reply. These interior plants finish at about 6 feet tall and come in a 14 inch pot. Routinely check the tops and undersides of the leaves for signs of infestation. Diagnosis of Geranium Leaf Aralia Poisoning in Dogs A perfectly edible plant can be sprayed with a toxic pesticide, making it toxic in its turn, but that’s outside the scope of this article.           Plant                              Poisonous Part                            Keep Away From, The toxic part of a medicinal aloe leaf is the yellow sap found just inside the outer green rind. You really shouldn’t eat any plant (nor feed them to others, especially children) unless you know they are edible. Cooperative Extension, which staffs local offices in all 100 counties and with the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. Variegated Balfour Aralia. False aralia is susceptible to several pests that plague other houseplants, including spider mites, scale, mealybugs, and aphids, and can, unfortunately, be killed by an overwhelming infestation. Some varieties such as Ming Aralia could be harmful if ingested. It grows best when kept slightly damp with good humidity. That’s because it isn’t ethical to actually test potentially poisonous plants by feeding them to plants. Several herbs and fruits humans consume without difficulty are notably toxic to cats and, sometimes, to dogs: mint, parsley, lemon grass, avocados, citrus, grapes, etc. The “poison” could have come from bacteria, fungus or insect ingested along with the plant, for example, or the reaction could be psychosomatic (people who think they have ingested a poisonous plant often come down with some pretty dramatic symptoms!). Some are slightly toxic, others not at all. Plants listed as either non-toxic, or potentially toxic with mild GI upset as their symptoms are not expected to be life-threatening to your pets. The result of all the above is that deciding whether a plant is poisonous or not can be very anecdotal and toxicologists often emit contradictory statements. Today we're talking about a favourite of mine, the Aralia Balfour Variegated! Most causes of leaf drop are easily fixed, although some can cause irreversible damage and death to the plant. Read our Commitment to Diversity | Read our Privacy Statement. They are only dangerous if someone eats the leaves and so should be kept away from small children and pets. True, but as a houseplant (subject of this article), it’s rarely a big problem. Cats and Houseplants: Not Always a Good Mix, Nontoxic Houselants for Kids, Cats and Dogs, Nontoxic Houseplants for Kids, Cats and Dogs – Laidback Gardener, Aloe Gel: How to Use It Safely – Laidback Gardener, Grow Your Own Cat Grass – Laidback Gardener,, Cats, on the opposite end of the spectrum, are especially susceptible to toxic plants, more so than dogs, for example. Note that I didn’t include plants whose “people problem” is spininess on the list of poisonous plants, even though they can be dangerous for humans and pets for obvious reasons. Showing off divided leaves and rounded leaflets, the balfour aralia has been popular for more than a century. I’d suggest not taking a chance. Polyscias balfouriana (balfour aralia), P. crispata, P. fruticosa (ming aralia) These can cause skin irritation, with redness, inflammation, swelling, rashes, and other exciting features. Source:, Lemon grass is edible for humans, toxic for cats and dogs. pot. Aralia Bianca 3 in. Other plants are listed as poisonous largely due to family connections. Medications, cleaning products, alcohol and pesticides cause far more poisonings and deaths than plants, but that still doesn’t mean that precautions shouldn’t be taken. It causes alopecia in horses, cattle, sheep and goats. The list that follows is a compendium of plants commonly grown indoors that are usually considered to be poisonous. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Aralia Balfouriana 'Lemon Lime': Mostly green, but with some variegation tending toward yellow the Lemon Lime Aralia is a hardy indoor plant. Never feed “people food” to pets: you just never know. Rounded trifoliate (3 leaflets) leaves with indented (Crenate) edges. Rest of the detail can be read here. NC State University and N.C. A&T State University work in tandem, along with federal, state and local governments, to Toxicologists study reports that come in and decide whether the information justifies calling a plant poisonous and, if so, for which plants. For example, ornamental peppers (Capsicum ssp.) The basic rule should always be to place plants out of reach of children and pets unless you know they are harmless… and you don’t mind them being damaged! #2 toxicity. Polyscias balfouriana 'Marginata' Showing off divided leaves and rounded leaflets, this plant has been popular for more than a century. Aralias, with their striking glossy green leaves, make elegant houseplants. Polyscias scutellaria, the shield aralia, or plum aralia, is a tropical shrub or small tree reaching 2–6 meters tall. This Aralia likes to dry out, and overwatering will cause problems. Source: Info here: No mushrooms are included on the list below: they simply aren’t plants, plus they’re rarely grown indoors, at least, not on purpose. ( Log Out /  Most of the plants in the photo above are poisonous. Aralia Black 17 in. The plants in these photos are Still, it’s best to keep them away from small children and pets. Care For An Aralia Plant. The toxic possibilities of plants are often confusing. Hey! so are several others listed here. Susceptible to root rot. Source: pixdaus, Plants are far from being a common source of poisonings in the home: in fact, they’re in about ninth position. Most, but not all, euphorbias are poisonous. I think you have a money making option here – an app for their smart phone that reminds people not to eat their house plants. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Scientific Name: Dizygotheca elegantissima Still, contact a Poison Control Center or a doctor in case of ingestion. Despite them being fuzzy, they like full sun and to be kept slightly moist. False Aralia . I’d say that Mimosa pudica is almost certainly poisonous to pets: it has known toxic properties. Plants in other families, like the Apocynaceae (dogbane family) and the Araceae (phildendron family), are also routinely listed as toxic whether there is any proof or not. Aralia Celery Leaf 10 in. I’m just not finding anything about Mimosa pudica’s toxicity. Out of Production (this size) Aralia Castor 3 in. Aralia, Balfour aralia, dinner plate aralia, Ming aralia, geranium-leaf aralia, wild coffee, coffee tree (Polyscias spp ... gland, pancreas, kidney, and liver are the main targets of the toxicity due to the hydrolysis products of THGs. Among houseplants, African violets, hoyas, peperomias and most ferns fall into the edible but unpalatable category. Keep away from animals and children. Also, there are many, many plants—some listed below just to be safe—that will only be toxic if a large quantity is consumed. There seems to be info on Google that those are cat/dog safe. There are a few reports it is toxic to cats and some claim the leaves are safe but the stems aren’t. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Water generously when the soil is completely dry and then allow the soil to dry before next watering. In fact, consumption of plants is the third most common reason people contact Poison Control Centers. Are those the same as the sedum, where some are a little toxic or not toxic at all? Source:, Chewing on cannabis leaves dans make pets and young children very ill. The saponins have the capability to cause mild, moderate or severe effects with exposure or ingestion, ranging from skin irritation to irregular heart rate. In fact, no matter where you live, you are probably surrounded by poisonous plants. As a house plant, the Aralia Balfouriana is popular not only because it grows vertically, but it also has attractive, scalloped leaves, edged in white. Aralia Chicken Gizzard 10 in. Aralia Black 14 in. Just because a plant isn’t poisonous per se doesn’t mean it’s edible. The Aralia Balfouriana is most commonly found as a house plant, yet it can be grown outdoors. !, Variegated Balfouriana Aralia, Balfour, dinner plate, saucer leaves, houseplant, easy grow, tropical, rare, japanese variety plant Variegated white and green leaves cover its thin woody canes. In addition to its beauty, it also purifies your indoor air and adds moisture to the air. Aralia, Balfour aralia, dinner plate aralia, Ming aralia, geranium-leaf aralia, wild coffee, coffee tree (Polyscias spp.) Yet there are plenty of exceptions in the genus, including species that are not only nontoxic, but even edible (Euphorbia edulis, for example). It would simply be unethical to experiment and give plant leaves, stems, fruits, etc. Source: M.t.lifshits, Beautifully scented, brugmansia is nevertheless highly toxic. There are plenty of spiny plants that are actually quite edible once the thorns are removed. Source: [ Reply to this comment | ] Posted by plantladylin (Sebastian, Florida - Zone 10a) on Sep 7, 2012 2:15 PM. Source: And then you have plants associated with known cases of poisoning for which toxicologists have never been able to find the poison involved: lantana (Lantana camara), for example. Humidity: Place the plants on a humidity tray of pebbles and water, or … Temperature: Keep 65-85 degrees F. Water: Water with tepid water and allow surface of the soil to dry out between waterings. It's toxic to cats and dogs, so it's a good idea to keep out of reach from furry friends, but is also easily treated by a veterinarian. Also, some plants can cause allergic reactions in certain individuals, both humans and pets, but that doesn’t mean they are poisonous. That makes a lot of sense to me. This is one of the complicated situations where a plant is poisonous raw, but edible cooked. Aralia Castor 4 in. Source: Paul Venter, The croton’s colorful leaves are also a bit toxic. The distinct leaves of a Balfour Aralia resemble leathery, round, dinner plates about 1″- 2″ in diameter, which is how the plant got its nickname, the Dinner Plate Aralia. to humans to test their toxicity and although some testing is done with rats, mice and guinea pigs, the results don’t necessarily apply to other species. Toxicologists have to wait for incidents of accidental poisoning to occur and sometimes that information that comes in is iffy. They may cause some discomfort and vomiting when eaten. Aralia Balfour is a shrub or small tree that rarely flowers in cultivation. Well that’s kinda my point–it’s listed here as poisonous to dogs and cats, but all I can find is it can be toxic to some livestock. They are perfect for anyone looking for a good ‘starter plant.’ You probably won’t! Just keep all spiny, prickly plants out of reach of pets and small children, poisonous or not. That’s because we are omnivores and have had millions of years of practice eating just about everything that surrounds us. Still, it’s best not to rub the sap of any poisonous plant on your skin nor get it in your eyes, just in case! I guess in the interest of being cautious it certainly doesn’t hurt to include it, but I can’t find anything definitive saying it’s actually poisonous to dogs or cats. The toxic possibilities of plants are often confusing. as toxic, since most have toxic sap … and testing all 5,000 species would be incredibly complicated. *Indicates minor toxicity. A Balfour Aralia is an evergreen plant native to Africa, Asia, Australia, parts of North and Central America, and South America. If you think that your animal is ill or may have ingested a poisonous substance, contact your local veterinarian or our 24-hour emergency poison hotline directly at 1-888-426-4435. The plant's appeal comes from its finely divided leaves, which gives it a feathery appearance. In the North, prune trees and shrubs before they break dormancy. Like most houseplants, aralia houseplants are mildly toxic if eaten. I have a Balfour Aralia that needs repotting. How to Plant Aralia. Aralia Chicken Gizzard 14 in. Change ). you should go through this list again. SALE! And when you prune a potentially poisonous plant, wear gloves. shield aralia leaf and root can be used as antiseptic and deodorant Well, I suppose the word “surprising” isn’t all that appropriate, because there are, in fact, hundreds of poisonous plants in our outdoor environment as well. It grows best when kept slightly damp with good humidity. Especially the mimosa pudica and wandering Jew. (Read Cats and Houseplants: Not Always a Good Mix for suggestions on keeping plants out of the reach of cats.). Their highly carnivorous nature means they’re poor at digesting plant materials. Cooperative Extension prohibits discrimination and harassment on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, sex (including pregnancy), disability, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, and veteran status. Saponin is the cause of geranium leaf aralia poisoning, which is found throughout the entire plant. Wandering jew and some may be poisonous in certain individuals, both humans and pets, but toxic pets... Are very good at digesting plant materials to toxic ) on these list and... If consumed, although some can cause irreversible damage and death to LA... Edible for humans, toxic for cats and some claim the leaves the! Someone eats the leaves and rounded leaflets, this plant has been popular for than! Interior plants finish at about 6 feet tall and come in and decide the... Smaller amounts of toxin than an adult or large pet and testing all 5,000 species would incredibly. Safe but the stems aren ’ t out of reach of pets and small pets could be if... 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