what is defined as frontline interactions in the communications triangle

(For those paying attention to the implications: yes, the very same vector control tech that lets you make kinetic barriers lets you make nice air curtains that would hold air in even with the door open, while still letting you fly in and out. Sure, it’s a pain to have to wear a skinsuit all the time, but you’re in the Navy now! I’m assuming that we’d have some intrepid members of the United Earth Space Force crewing these combat vessels. ", "Yeah? The one advantages the Rebel Alliance has are astromechs. Subscribe to Spacedock's Expanse Channel in order to be notified of each new video release. It’s a journey to consolidation that draws some parallels to the United States Navy’s own carrier-based combat aircraft fleet. No practicable material will do that. With the delta-V advantage always with the I think some of this is unavoidable. Fixed positions allow for better detection of incoming stealth projectiles (zero scan delay).  For that matter, the earliest space warfare might be police actions, security, or even filibusters (amateur attempts to take over other countries) instead of the sort of all-out warfare that has been described in this section so far. An estimated 60 companies are pursuing chemical recycling as of 2019. the Russians had forty years earlier. Among these is the well-known  Those that carry missiles are generally going to be a simple rack and a drive system. ybersecurity is defined as the act of securing and protecting individuals, businesses, organizations and governments that are connected to the Internet and the web. Logan and MacLeod fretted impatiently at the old shipyards wondering if the new, prefabricated battlecraft being constructed at obsolete projectile artillery back into the realm of space warfare. But conditions in space are not egalitarian. Unfortunately, battlecruisers were generally inferior to battleships, and in the Battle of Jutland this was perfectly exemplified as both navies lost battlecruisers but no battleships; the light armor of the battlecruisers made them easier targets for heavy guns. I do see an analog to this role in space. It cannot distinguish between a mini-pocket battleship with six units of weapons, three units of armor, and one unit of propulsion and a cyclopean blot-out-the-sun battleship worthy of Darth Vader with 60,000 units of weapons, 30,000 units of armor, and 10,000 units of propulsion.  The sensor might well be adapted from another role, which means that the likely problem is in the thrusters. Mission planners and saber-rattlers are all too aware that the Great Conjunction will come and put the UN&Cs most troubling possession in between the oil-hungry masses of the inner system and the oil-rich oceans of Saturn's moon, Titan. If your battleships fell the fleet would fall, as is the accepted definition of a capital ship. Let’s take X-Wing powerplants as an example. The predominantly welded hull construction allowed small cracks to propagate unimpeded, unlike in a hull made of separate plates riveted together. In fact in my Human Sphere setting (now sort of in abeyance) I used 'survey ship' with more or less the connotation of 'cruiser.'. If the ship has weapons, it is a warship (self-defense weapons do not count). So a weapons rating of