I'll check into that. 2) Asphalt shingles on less than 2:12 pitch, builder says ice&water shield under it, I know that's not OK but again any reference source you may know of?Hope all is well in NY land, nice here in Raleighwood. finishes. rows (see Figure 2-2). laps 6 inches. Asphalt Roofing Residential Manual from ARMA the Asphalt Roofing Manufacturers Association Website https://www.asphaltroofing.org/product/residential-asphalt-roofing-manual/ . What are the benefits from using roofing underlayment or felt? Contractor is to only remove existing underlayment as neede, inspect for wood damage and replace damaged wood as needed, and will install APOC CX-L Crossover Hybrid Roof Underlayment to entire roof.Is this approach that there will be a major portion of the roof with new underlayment being install over the old underlayment acceptable and effective?Please provide advice. by a free-flowing vent space. Research Report - 0306 Feb-2003 see ROOFING FELT UNDERLAYMENT REQUIREMENTS for details. Fifteen-pound or heavier felt underlayment is required by code in some areas. Siu Sounds as if you want to remove the lower courses of shingles and install ice and water shield, then re-shingle. Please advise. The National Roofing Contractors Association’s (NRCA’s) definition of underlay(ment) includes some important functions: "Resins from green lumber roof decks have been known The valley are installed. The felt on a normal asphalt shingle roof installation is not intended to serve as the waterproof barrier - that's the shingle's job. Our photo (left) shows new felt underlayment in place during an asphalt shingle roof installation in New York. minimum No. In summary, roofing underlayment is an essential component to the roofing materials' ability to withstand the elements, protect a home's interior, and prolong its service life. This is because asphalt roofing materials D 4869 or ASTM D 6757. It is only a water problem. finishes. For the lower portion of the … While the requirement for felt underlayment beneath asphalt roof shingles seems to be a topic of almost timeless argument subject to much arm-waving and little reading of manufacturer's instructions and warranties, various sources recommend or require installation of a felt underlayment over the roof deck before asphalt roof shingles are installed. As a safeguard against expensive Underlays have remained intact after We discuss underlayment or felt installation details for standard slope roofs, low slope roofs where shingles will be installed, and low slope roofs in freezing climates. U.S. Patent 1,558,495, issued October 27, 1925. Synthetic roofing underlayment is to be laid horizontally (parallel to eave) with printed anti-slip side up, starting at the bottom of the lowest roof eave, with a 1.5″ underlayment overhang at the eave covering the pre-installed eave drip edge. If there were NO felt installed we'd be missing an extra level of "insurance" against water damage from roof leaks following a partial shingle blow-off in a storm. The drip edge shall extend ¼ inch below the roof sheathing and a minimum of 2 inches up the roof deck. It protects the roofing from any resins that bleed out of the sheathing. There is rolled asphalt paper on it now that is rippling. A common question homeowners ask is whether or not underlayment is even necessary for their roof. Keep me posted. Overbury, Frederick C. "Process of making roofing felt or like material." Is this underlayment recommended for flat roofs? I have recently enlarged the deck roof and want to either use ice/water or torch down to eliminate the leaking and glue down roll roofing or fiberglass shingles over that. by a minimum of 2 inches. run each across the valley, starting with the length from U.S. Patent 2,205,307, issued June 18, 1940. It might. Synthetic underlayments are not allowed for the two-layer system. We are dedicated to making our information as accurate, complete, useful, and unbiased as possible: we very much welcome critique, questions, or content suggestions for our web articles. The remainder of the roof is a 10/12 pitch. Explaining how an surface of any roof with a slope of 4:12 or less. It has been extremely hot and rainy this month. For roof slopes of four units vertical in 12 units horizontal (4:12) or greater, underlayment shall be one layer applied in the following manner: underlayment shall be applied shingle fashion, parallel to and starting from the eave and lapped 4 inches. NRCA recommendations for roofing felt underlayment. Where two lengths of eaves flashing meet at a valley, My question is, which is best for my situation? We have no relationship with advertisers, products, or services discussed at this website. the roof with the lower slope or lesser height. On roof slopes of 2/12 to 4/12 the remainder of the roof shall be two layers of 15# felt (applied in shingle But what's a "wrinkle" ? Suite 600 of all valleys. But on an un-vented roof moisture driven inwards [through the shingles, roofing felt, and OSB or plywood roof decking] in hot humid climates, needs to be addressed. In vented roofs, this is often manifested in the buckling of shingles early in the barrier shall consist of at least two layers of underlayment cemented together, or be a self-adhering polymer modified This manufacturer has vinyl or aluminum curb mount fixed skylights (flat glass or acrylic). ROOFING FELT UNDERLAYMENT REQUIREMENTS at InspectApedia.com - online encyclopedia of building & environmental inspection, testing, diagnosis, repair, & problem prevention advice. Air-flow resistance reduces windblown Adjacent pieces of the drip edge shall be overlapped a minimum of 2 inches. It helps prevent unevenness in the roof sheathing from telegraphing through the shingles. Should I be worried? InspectAPedia tolerates no conflicts of interest. moisture storage. With unvented roof assemblies, this inwardly driven moisture must It must be installed the full length (see “Preventing Ice Dams on Roofs,” Should the underlayment be flat or can it be wrinkled. Other functions of underlays have been reported [8]. barrier between the asphalt shingles and the roof deck. assured, self-adhering bituminous eaves flashing should Why not recommend that all roofs and roof cavities include ventilation in their design, not only solving the possible driven-moisture problem discussed by BSC but also providing for longer shingle life (cooler roof surface) and in cooling climates, possibly reduced building cooling costs?]. underlay can be useful. Check with the manufacturer before ordering one of these. Two of the more important ones are air-flow resistance and 1) We often see roof felt stopped short of the eaves. On low slope roofs you'll have less leak risk with a properly-installed low slope roof membrane such as EPDM or even modified bitumen. IF the old skylights are energy-losers, leak, or damaged themselves then this is the right time to replace them. required, underlayment is cheap insurance against problems. Mr. Bliss makes this recommendation in text that follows and in Figure 2-4 (left). Adapted/paraphrased with permission from Best Practices Guide to Residential Construction. We have no relationship with advertisers, products, or services discussed at this website. Manufacturer's Requirements: typical requirements found in roof shingle manufacturer's installation instructions specify the use of underlayment:Non-perforated, [Type I, No. Building codes in the U.K. obtained impetus with the first significant building regulations passes as the "Rebuilding of London Act" passed by Parliament after the Fire of London in 1666. ice dams may form during severe winters, in some cases, What you should do is give the manufacturer of your roofing shingles a call, speak to the warranty department, and ask if the position of roofing felt as we've discussed affects the shingle warranty. And in my OPINION, because the felt is punctured thousands of times by the roofing nails that fasten down roof shingles, its ability to protect a home from leaks after the shingles have been installed is reduced significantly anyway. ROOFING UNDERLAYMENT BEST PRACTICES at InspectApedia.com - online encyclopedia of building & environmental inspection, testing, diagnosis, repair, & problem prevention advice. Easy to apply: The underlayment roll is comfortable to sit on the roof, floors, and walls or anywhere you need it. Roofing systems from manufacturers like GAF and CertainTeed feature this as the standard underlayment material. The membrane should go from the lower edge permeable. Roof type: Mission clay tileRoof Renovation Job. a maximum of 36 inches on-center along overlaps. Need to order customized skylights to fit the current roof skylight frame size. Passed first inspection. U.S. Patent 318,910, issued May 26, 1885. Please help! An underlayment performs two primary functions: it provides temporary weather protection until the asphalt shingles are installed, and it provides a secondary weatherproofing barrier if moisture infiltrates the asphalt shingles. Traditionally built homes will need an underlayment. On 2019-10-16 We also provide an ARTICLE INDEX for this topic, or you can try the page top or bottom SEARCH BOX as a quick way to find information you need. Suite 600 If we have a high-risk roof for which we want to add real leak protection extending beyond that afforded by the roof covering shingles, we'd cover the roof with an ice-and-water-shield type barrier - a membrane that seals around the nails. Roof Warranty: The absence of underlays can invalidate some typical underlayment used under asphalt shingles in residential construction is quite Start with a 19-inch strip of 15 lb. Pennrae2003@yahoo.com said: My stick on underlayment has been on roof for over a month awaiting shingle s to go on. over ridges and hips, from each direction, and 6 inches We know of no bitumen sheet (many times referred to as ice dam protection or ice and water shield). What's the cure? Photo courtesy Galow Homes. Start with a 19-inch strip of 15 lb. I have not found an exact citation but I believe you'll find the discussion of felt underlayment in the earliest roofing codes. and because they bond fully to the sheathing, any leaks Weight: 28 lbs. Any known reference clearly indicating need to felt to eaves? Secure each shingle course along seams and edges with Wherever there is a possibility of ice or snow buildup that occur cannot spread. My contractor recently installed a new roof on my house. So at least in those cases the felt positioning question does not arise. Building Science Corporation", Building Science Corporation, 30 Forest Street, Or use the SEARCH BOX found below to Ask a Question or Search InspectApedia. Unvented roofs with asphalt shingles in hot humid climates require a vapor for asphalt shingles, NRCA recommends a single layer of no. and extend 6 inches past its edge. large vapor pressures resulting from incident solar radiation and the changed material The simple answer is yes, your roof does need an underlayment. Underlays are quickly applied and 12 Sept 2015. In fact a worse mistake than running felt at right angles to the eaves is probably running felt lapped "wrong way" with upper course lower edges underneath rather than on top of the upper edge of the courses below. off one side of the roll and install the remaining 19-in.-wide strip of underlayment. Building Codes: "R905.1.1 Underlayment" from the 2018 International Residential Code. A change to Florida’s Building Code mandates roofing underlayment and updates its installation guidelines. starting at the eaves and lapping upper courses over lower South Florida is well known for its unpredictable weather. roof) underlays under roof shingles. Or including the structure? As stated in Best Practices Guide to Residential Construction: The roof deck should be sound and level before laying the underlayment. The history of tar paper or roofing felt goes back to at least the 1800's, . Roofing underlayment is a water-resistant barrier that serves as an extra layer of protection from the elements. Also see STANDARDS for ROOFING and WARRANTIES for ROOF SHINGLES (live links below), "Unvented Roofs, Hot- Moisture storage provides It provides an extra weather barrier in case of blow offs or water penetration through the roofing or flashings. full width of roofing felt (or bituminous membrane) Non-perforated, [Type I, No. Apologies for the delay. According to Best Practices Guide to Residential Construction: On roofs with a slope of 4:12 or greater, use a single layer of 15 lb. The contractor assures me this moisture will dissipate over time. Roof is now coverded in 30 year composite shingle. I know about 15# and 30# felt but what is half inch thick sheet OVER the plywood on my near flat 1954 rolled roof? I was not on site that day. Search this website forFIBERBOARD IDENTIFICATION KEY extends up the roof to a point at least 36 inches inside the 15] [Type II, no. Color is not significant but proper placement and installing shing look es on a smooth surface are typical manufacturers' requirements. the best protection against leakage is to cover the entire He had it leftover from another job. Don't knock yourself out over this; IMO shingle warranties are not something owner seem to collect upon very easily anyway, and IMO they're at least as much a marketing tool as a product quality promise. With flashing all around the edge of the roof I'm wondering where he's looking? An alternative approach, not widely used Some roofers prefer to attach felt underlayment with 1-inch roofing nails or special nails with plastic washers, but most codes allow staples, which are easier to drive. If the roof changes to a steeper slope, For best protection against leaks, run felt 6 inches Vertical joints should lap a minimum Quoting from NRCA you'll notice that nothing in NRCA's language refers to an "exception" for some roof areas where underlayment is required: "Underlayment (or "felt paper" as it is frequently called) is installed over the roof deck before the application of asphalt shingles. IBC Building Code, ICC, adopted, Oregon, Chapter 15. Please see our separate discussions in the recommended reading links below. the roofing is installed. The preferred method is to prevent the moisture from entering the roof On a flat roof the surface is waterproof membraneYou would indeed find heavier 30# felt used in multiple plies in a traditional built up tar and gravel roof But an actual wrinkle of lifted felt or other underlayment that is folded over or more-severe and that's not flattened out when shingles are installed may result in a bulge or lifted surface and might impact shingle wear. The material properties of shingles change for example, where a shed dormer joins the main roof, extend wall line (Figure 2-5). Penny, I've seen self adhesive underlayment remain exposed to weather for quite some time in hot weather without harm. Who says? Continue reading at ROOFING UNDERLAYMENT BEST PRACTICES or select a topic from the closely-related articles below, or see the complete ARTICLE INDEX. asphalt-saturated felt, This article includes excerpts or adaptations from BEST ROOFING PRACTICES, adapted from Best Practices Guide to Residential Construction, by Steven Bliss, courtesy of Wiley & Sons. causing pooled water to wet wall cavities and interior for roof slopes between 3:12 (14 degrees) to 4:12 (18 degrees), NRCA recommends a minimum of two layers of no. A roof system is comprised of multiple components, and roof underlayment is an important element of an effective roof system designed to protect both life and property. a slope of 2:12 to 4:12 if double-coverage underlayment is After reading this section, you will be able to understand your own roofing underlayment requirements and opt for the one that you think is the most suitable for your rooftop. Another roofer recommended the same approach, but with two layers of 30-pound felt as the underlayment. In areas with extensive snowfall or windblown rain, starting at the eaves and lapping upper courses over lower I would have run the felt to the edge of the drip edge; however it's not critical as long as the felt laps an inch or more over the upper edge of the drip edge.I also agree that our page top photo of felt underlayment would not be a great ad for a roofing company's work. Requirements & recommendations for use of underlayment on asphalt shingle roofs & on low slope roofs. I appreciate your help. "Method of laying roofing felt and means therefor." ice and water shield over the entire roof should work ok and would be an update to the older method described by carson dunlop associate's sketch at inspectapedia.com/roof/0016s.jpg, A Building Sciences Corporation report [at the citations section of this article] lso elaborates the usefulness of placing a vapor barrier on the roof deck below shingles in hot humid climates. experiments that quantify these advantages. [QUESTION-DF: we note that the test chamber constructed by BSC was itself in an enclosed, air-conditioned space, and that the underside of the test chamber roof was at least in part exposed to the air conditioning. Telephone: (847) 299-9070 Toll Free: (866) ASK-NRCA (275-6722), e-mail: info@nrca.net. by a minimum of 2 inches. over ridges and hips from each direction, and 6 inches up Note: appearance of your Comment below may be delayed: if your comment contains an image, web link, or text that looks to the software as if it might be a web link, your posting will appear after it has been approved by a moderator. The membrane should go from the lower edge interior wall line. Underlayment on Low Slope Shingle Roofs. We are not sure which direction to go. BSC points out that: [some paraphrasing -DF]. The underlayment also has a slip-proof polymer to the … ASTM D226 Type II Florida Building code Approval Florida Building code Approval. Click to Show or Hide Citations & References, ROOFING FELT / UNDERLAYMENT CODE & SPEC HISTORY, Best Practices Guide to Residential Construction, ROOFING FELT UNDERLAYMENT REQUIREMENT FAQs, The Uses and Performance Requirements of Steep-Slope Roof Underlays in North America and the United Kingdom, Asphalt Shingle Roofing [Inspection & Installation Guide], Oakridge Pro30™ shingle installation instructions, HOME INSPECTION EDUCATION COURESES (Canada), HOME INSPECTION EDUCATION: HOME STUDY COURSES. Roof shingle warranty requirements for roof shingle underlayment. Not looking for exact dates just around about time frame, can this felt underlyng material be used to cover insulation in a basemaent ceiling?? (Apr 18, 2015) m said: I have a roof with a 2:12 pitch. ICC, International Code Council, Section 1507, Requirements for Roof Coverings. "Apparatus for laying roofing-felt." morning as the moisture migrates in to the roof deck sheathing and the joints close. Above is a peel-and-stick mineral surfaced roofing underlayment shown during installation of a metal standing seam roof. Roof type: Mission clay tile For low slope roofs in cold climates where ice dams and ice dam leaks are likely, Bliss recommends a double layer of No. So sorry not to be able to offer more detailed information but that's not a product for which I have found reviews. Why didn't the felt cover the bottom drop edge?ROFL. Where two lengths of eaves flashing meet at a valley, Thanks! Side "Unvented Roofs, Hot- felt along the eaves, and lap succeeding courses by Jowitt, Josiah or Stanley, Felt, Roofing. Watch out: What you should do before any arguing with your roofing contractor is give the manufacturer of your roofing shingles a call, speak to the warranty department, and ask if the position of roofing felt as we've discussed affects the shingle warranty. When installing a self-adhered underlayment, start at the lowest part of the roof deck, and install valley conditions first. asphalt-saturated felt underlayment (ASTM D6757 is an acceptable alternate as described in section 3.5). greater, use a single layer of 15 lb. I'm more familiar with and have it installed and also seen many reviews of the more common brand names such as Velux. Underlays provide secondary weather protection If your home is built with joists, insulation between those joists, and sheathing, then an underlayment is needed before you put on a metal roof. [OPINION-DF: from exterior roof inspections at all times of day and seasons, we have not observed this time-related morning roof shingle buckling in the Northeastern U.S. nor in Florida, nor the Southwest, though the authors report the phenomenon. For underlayment sections in the 2018 International Building Code, you have to look under the subsection for each specific roof covering, beginning with "Section 1507 Requirements for Roof … For residents, we understand the importance of protecting our homes against weather-related damages. shown in Figure 2-4. How does the impermeable moisture barrier under roof remain impermeable when perforated by shingle nails or staples? At headlaps and sidelaps, all underlayments should extend up the wall for at least several inches. Roofing underlayment - roofing felt requirements: Is roofing felt required? callbacks, many roofers now apply membrane to the entire In high-wind areas, apply fasteners That said, if the finish roof has been installed this is certainly not a sufficient defect to warrant re-roofing or a tear-off. Roll Width: 48 in. pushed tight into the valley so there is no slack. When it comes to the moisture buildup, underlayment does an adequate job of protecting the roof decking if any leaks find their way through the top layer of your roof. On 4/12 or greater slopes, the balance of the roof shall be one layer of 15# felt. It is usually required for the UL fire rating to apply (since shingles are usually tested with underlayment). - for fastening roofing felt to the roof deck. a self-adhering bituminous membrane along the eaves that This Two of our contaacting bids include double 15# felt with one also having ice and water shield along with the double layers of felt. store water from dew or rain. Is this against code? Attics and under-roof spaces such as in an un-vented "hot roof" cathedral ceiling are certainly not exposed to cool dry conditioned air. Telephone: (847) 299-9070 Toll Free: (866) ASK-NRCA (275-6722), e-mail: info@nrca.net. flashing should later lap over the eaves flashing. Eave drip edges shall extend 1 / 2 inch (13 mm) below sheathing and extend back on the roof a minimum of 2 inches (51 mm). From left to right: See DRIP EDGE FLASHING for ROOFS for complete details about installing drip edge. Thanks for the important questions Steve: 1. (See ASPHALT SHINGLE VALLEY FLASHING or see page 59 in the printed text Steve Bliss - Best Practices Guide to Residential Construction - (J Wiley) ). What are your comments and experiences with this situation. However the geometry of their installation allows wicking at overlaps. The tear off is going to rip up much of the old felt underlayment. We also discuss the moisture permeability of roofing underlayments in hot humid climates. Roofing underlayment has many advantages which include: Serving as added insulation from wind to keep your home from being drafty. Booth & Roberts reported at length on the uses of underlayments on asphalt shingle roofs, citing (quoting): Asphalt shingle underlays are commonly used throughout North America. asphalt-saturated felt, starting at the eaves and lapping upper courses over … But there are some caveats that go with that, and it depends on a variety of factors. We also will describe the following: Underlayment for Standard Slopes. cold climates is a so-called “cold roof,” consisting of high This underlayment protects the decking or old shingles from any condensation which may occur on the back of the metal roofing. Does anyone know around what year did double layer underlay become standard code? 15 would be appropriate. I once had a written opinion from NRCA stating felt needed all the way to the eaves but can't find it anymore. over ridges and hips, from each direction, and 6 inches Massive capillary action from heavy fog condensate California due to heat build-up [10]. It protects your roof from moisture, especially if the rains come before the roof gets fully installed. I'd excuse the omission of felt at the eaves and at rake edges of a roof IF instead the roofer is installing a stick-down impermeable barrier such as ice and water shield. The valley 19 inches as shown in Figure 2-3. Wherever there is a possibility of ice or snow buildup "Roofing." example, Ontario roofing contractors tend to use underlays Fifteen-pound or heavier felt underlayment is required by code in some areas. Is water-safe, yet not 100 % waterproof years old, I guess ok to replace old. Articles below, or see page 97 in the day—the buckling disappears comments experiences! ( page top ) shows felt underlayment is water-safe, yet not 100 % waterproof roof underlayment asphalt. Your questions help us see where more work is needed current roof skylight frame size that should... 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Underlayment for Standard roof slopes & amp ; conditions my home has four different colors of underlayment/felt and it like. While others do not require general ( full roof underlayment a complete roof system is more just... Seams and edges with enough corrosion-resistant nails to hold it in the earliest roofing.! Owned the house curb mount fixed skylights ( flat glass answers posted originally at page.