is b612 chinese app

Download B612 - Beauty & Filter Camera and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. In view of covid-19 outbreak and its impact on Indian economy, millions of smartphone users decided to find an Indian alternative to several Chinese apps in India. Make each memory even more special. ‎• Over 1,500 diverse stickers - Facial recognition stickers that can distort your face or turn you into a cute animal - Shiny effects and stylish analog filters to brighten your day - Various drawing effects that you can draw as you take a video. Click now B612 is designed for taking perfect selfies. B612 app is under the SnowCorp company, which is based in South Korea. B612 … But the problem is the Chinese App collects user Data and sends back to China. About Us | Contact Us | Latest | Privacy Policy |, is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to &, Gentle & Clinically Proven 10 Best Baby Soaps in India, Top 10 Best Feeding Bottles in India for Babies in 2021, LightX Photo Editor, B612, Picsart, Indian Selfie Camera, Doc Scanner, Adobe scan, Microsoft Office Lens. Is B612 a Chinese app? B612 App Founder & Release Information: Operator: LINE Since last couple of years, Chinese apps become popular in India. Indian intelligence agencies have reportedly listed as many … With rising users of smartphones and internet in India, country becomes a huge market for smartphone apps. China successfully taken over the majority of consumer goods market with its cost-effective products. If you are not looking for any facial or body enhancements, then B612 (iOS / Android) is for you. Now, if you want to switch to non-Chinese photo editors, apps like Picsart, Candy Camera, and B612 should be your best bet. Rooms at the Designed as the ultimate selfie app, B612 is loaded with fun and fresh features you won't find anywhere else. But that’s not we are discussing today. Once again India has picked out Chinese apps and listed them as spyware or malware. - Explore thousands of stickers with updates every day. They make the … Also, many users are looking forward to knowing if B612 is a Chinese app. Here are the top 25 apps. B612 is of Which Country- Overview B 612 is an adorable and amazing filter camera app made especially to enhance the beauty of selfies photographs. Chinese app alternatives - Here are the alternatives to top Chinese apps Rounak Jain Jul 1, 2020, 12:40 IST Representational image. These apps offer similar features for the most part, including beauty filters, makeup effects, stickers, and more, amongst others. いつからか特に目や顔の輪郭が不自然になってました。顔が変にげっそりして嫌なのと,あと最近そもそも自撮りをする可愛い年齢ではなくなってきたので(高2)って事でこのアプリ内で写真を撮ることは無くなりました。でも,フィルターは結構好きなのでiPhoneの外カメ使う時に,フィルターだけ使わせて貰ってます。あとは切り抜き機能が画像編集に凄く使えるのでいいなって思ったのですが,偶に「保存」をタップすると画像全体がブレる事があってそこは改善して貰えたら凄く好きな機能です。動画に簡単なBGM付けるのもできるし,何だかんだ言ってお世話になってるので★★★★☆。, もうキウイになって撮れないので、残念でなりません。家族写真、学生生活、成人式…ふとした日常の一コマも、どのような場面でもいつでもキウイになって撮影してきたので、二度とキウイで撮れないと考えると、涙があふれてきます。キウイとしてのアイデンティティを失った喪失感は計り知れず、いったいどうして…と、キウイとして過ごしてきた日々を思い返し、キウイ画像をみつめて、感傷に浸っています。コロナ禍で会えなくなってしまっている人たちも、最近キウイの姿を見ないがどうしたの?と、気にかけている様子です。さみしいよ、キウイ!と熱望して待っていてくれています。そういったコミュニケーションツールとしても、キウイは必要不可欠なものなのです。またキウイで撮りたいです。キウイファンも増えています。どうか復活させていただきたいのでよろしくお願いします!復活の際には、星★★★★★にさせていただきます。, 普通のカメラで自分の顔を撮ると酷い顔になっちゃうけど、これはめっちゃ自分の顔が盛れていい感じになります!!いっぱいスタンプがあるから友達と一緒に写真を撮るのにも楽しいですっ!!ただ、充電とかすぐ減りやすいし、落ちやすいっていうのが少し残念です。それと、個人的な問題ですが右下のやつが邪魔…というか、友達に写真を送る時などに恥ずかしいので出来れば無くしていただきたいです。改善して欲しいのがもうひとつありました。これは私だけなのでしょうか?夜に写真をとったりすると背景に砂嵐のようになるのですが…。 私の撮り方下手というのもありますが、撮る前からずっとなので…。真っ暗の中でも綺麗に撮ることができるともっといいので改善お願いします。, デベロッパSNOW INC.は、Appのプライバシーに関する取り組みを以下のように明示しています。これにはデータの取り扱いを含む場合もあります。 詳しくは、デベロッパプライバシーポリシーを参照してください。, プライバシーの取り組みは、ご利用の機能やお客様の年齢などに応じて異なる場合があります。詳しい情報, iOS10.0以降が必要です。iPhone 5S、iPhone 6、iPhone 6 Plus、iPhone 6s、iPhone 6s Plus、iPhone SE(第1世代)、iPhone 7、iPhone 7 Plus、iPhone 8、iPhone 8 Plus、iPhone X、iPhone XS、iPhone XS Max、iPhone XR、iPhone 11、iPhone 11 Pro、iPhone 11 Pro Max、iPhone SE(第2世代)、iPhone 12 mini、iPhone 12、iPhone 12 Pro、iPhone 12 Pro Max、iPad Air、iPad Air Wi‑Fi + Cellularモデル、iPad mini 2、iPad mini 2 Wi‑Fi + Cellularモデル、iPad Air 2、iPad Air 2 Wi‑Fi + Cellularモデル、iPad mini 3、iPad mini 3 Wi‑Fi + Cellularモデル、iPad mini 4、iPad mini 4 Wi‑Fi + Cellularモデル、12.9インチiPad Pro、12.9インチiPad Pro Wi‑Fi + Cellularモデル、9.7インチiPad Pro、9.7インチiPad Pro Wi‑Fi + Cellularモデル、iPad(第5世代)、iPad(第5世代)Wi‑Fi + Cellularモデル、12.9インチiPad Pro(第2世代)、12.9インチiPad Pro(第2世代)Wi‑Fi + Cellularモデル、10.5インチiPad Pro、10.5インチiPad Pro Wi‑Fi + Cellularモデル、iPad(第6世代)、iPad(第6世代)Wi‑Fi + Cellular、11インチiPad Pro、11インチiPad Pro Wi‑Fi + Cellularモデル、12.9インチiPad Pro(第3世代)、12.9インチiPad Pro(第3世代)Wi‑Fi + Cellularモデル、iPad mini(第5世代)、iPad mini(第5世代)Wi‑Fi + Cellularモデル、iPad Air(第3世代)、iPad Air(第3世代)Wi‑Fi + Cellularモデル、iPad(第7世代)、iPad(第7世代)Wi‑Fi + Cellularモデル、11インチiPad Pro(第2世代)、11インチiPad Pro(第2世代)Wi‑Fi + Cellularモデル、12.9インチiPad Pro(第4世代)、12.9インチiPad Pro(第4世代)Wi‑Fi + Cellularモデル、iPad Air(第4世代)、iPad Air(第4世代)Wi‑Fi + Cellularモデル、iPad(第8世代)、iPad(第8世代)Wi‑Fi + Cellularモデル、およびiPod touchに対応。, 日本語、 インドネシア語、 スペイン語、 タイ語、 ヒンディー語、 ベトナム語、 簡体字中国語、 繁体字中国語、 英語、 韓国語, ファミリー共有を有効にすると、最大6人のファミリーメンバーがこのAppを使用できます。, Camera Beauty 360 - Over 1 milion Funny Stickers. このAppは、iPhoneおよびiPadのApp Storeでのみご利用いただけます。, • 1,500種類以上のスタンプ- かわいい動物やおもしろ顔に大変身できる顔認識スタンプ- キラキラ効果とアナログフィルターで日常をもっとおしゃれに- 自分だけのスタンプを手書きで作成• リアルタイムのビューティー効果で自撮りも簡単に成功- ワンタップで憧れの美肌に大変身- スライドバーで美しいVラインを演出• 万能フィルター- 自撮り、フード、風景など、どんな場面でも大活躍のフィルターを集結- よく使うフィルターはお気に入りに登録• ハイクオリティーのミュージックビデオも簡単に作成- 人気の楽曲をBGMとして使用- ダイナミックに演出できる倍速機能やその他の効果• かわいいキャラクターをリアルに楽しめるARスタンプ(iOS 11以降を使用している一部の端末でのみ利用できます。)• 手軽におもしろ動画を撮影できるBoomerang• 端末に保存されている写真も編集可能• お気に入りの写真を1枚にまとめられるコラージュ機能Face Technology by SenseTime, ・ スタンプ作成機能に「顔変形」機能が追加されました。面白い顔の形に変えてスタンプを作ることができます。・ B612のDiscoverでQRコードを読み取ってください。・ スタンプ作成機能でMYスタンプを削除できます。, 以前は友達と自撮りする時とかに良く使ってて,目とか鼻とか自然に盛れるので一軍アプリでしたが,なんでだろう,アップデートでもあったのかな?? WiFi is fre throughout. A recent study reveals that India has been the world’s fastest-growing app market over the past few years. The small effort to help country’s economy become a big movement which is unofficially lead by Sonam Wangchuk (Engineer turned education reformer in India). Download B612 apk 9.12.10 for Android. Here are some alternative apps you can get your hands on: 1. Last Updated: 3rd June, 2020 11:03 IST Top 25 Chinese You can download it here from the Play Store: Remove China Apps - Apps on Google Play Stay informed with today’s latest news from India & around the world. Chinese companies launched several apps that specifically targets Indian audience and they done it successfully. • Over 1,500 diverse stickers - Facial recognition stickers that can distort your face or turn you into a cute animal - Shiny effects and stylish analog filters to brighten your day - Various drawing effects that you can draw as you take a video. 80 percent of Pitu’s users are younger than 25, giving the app more room to try out more bold features. In this article, we will cover the list of Chinese apps in India and there probable alternatives. 「B612 - いつもの毎日をもっと楽しく」のレビューをチェック、カスタマー評価を比較、スクリーンショットと詳細情報を確認することができます。「B612 - いつもの毎日をもっと楽しく」をダウンロードしてiPhone、iPad、iPod touchでお楽しみください。 B612 is perfect for taking selfies anytime, anywhere. Get all the breaking news & current Indian news on politics, sports and entertainment only on Republic World. 1K views View 2 Upvoters - Find your favorite version of yourself by creating and saving custom beauty effects. Copyright © 2020 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. The property offers a restaurant, terrace and modern accommodations with a satellite TV. Chinese Apps have successfully taken over the Indian app market in all the genres from social, short video till gaming apps and more. are being used by millions of Indians. Thus, B612 origin country is South Korea. - Take profile-worthy selfies with stylish AR makeup features. Smartphone apps are not an exception to this. Also to detect all the Chinese apps in your smartphone, you simply need to download another app named as “Remove China Apps”, install it and it will let you know all the Chinese apps running in your smartphone. Here in this post, I am Going to share the 52 Chinese app list. SNOW is a camera app used by over 200 million people around the world. - Don't miss exclusive seasonal filters that add color to your daily life. In view of covid-19 outbreak and its impact on Indian economy, millions of smartphone users decided to find an Indian alternative to several Chinese apps in India. Rooms at the Designed as the ultimate selfie app, B612 is loaded with fun and fresh features you won’t find anywhere else. YouCam Makeup is another Chinese app that has been blocked by Indian government in the recent ban. Find here the B612 app country origin. Here are alternate apps for 59 Chinese apps banned in India The Ministry of Information Technology (Meity) announced a crucial move of banning 59 Chinese apps in the country stating privacy concerns. Download B612 - Beauty & Filter Camera and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. For selfie makeover, one can also go for FaceTune 2, which comes from an Israeli developer. And Chinese apps have established their dominance in India. Whether it is games, short video making app or just a internet browser, you name the genre and you have high demand in India. B612 is a beauty and filter camera app that is available on Android as well as an iOS app store. “Swoosh and the stars come out. It is a camera app that brings a lot of advanced formatting options and filters. This is not an exhaustive list but we are making all necessary efforts to keep it updated so that you can know the which app belongs to the China and its equivalent competitor. B612 office is at California, United States. Central Consumer Resource for Helpful Inforamation. Download B612 9.12.10 for Android. B612 is 5 minutes’ walk from Lake Levico and less than 0.6 mi from the Terme di Levico spa center. We use cookies and other technologies on this website to enhance your user experience. The Apps that I am Going to mention in this Article is Red-Flag by National Security Council. Reports suggest that the top Chinese apps in India are being used by millions of Indians. If we missed any app, or you know any relevant alternative to these app please let us know by filling our contact form. According to Chinese app watchers, Pitu’s target audience is younger and more individualized than that of MeituPic. The airline recently launched apps LINE B612, this is the app to take pictures take a selfie (selfie) for Whether it is games, short video making app or just a internet browser, you name the genre and you have high demand in India. ‎• Over 1,500 diverse stickers - Facial recognition stickers that can distort your face or turn you into a cute animal - Shiny effects and stylish analog filters to brighten your day - Various drawing effects that you can draw as you take a video. Well you are in lucky! Take incredible selfie videos with beauty effects and sublime filters. Due to Covid-19 outbreak,China is in the prime news lately. There is an app on the play store which does that for you! Beauty & Filter Camera appstore download googleplay download Fast downloads of the latest free software! We provide the most in-depth coverage of top national news with timely … Chinese Apps dominating India App ecosystem, You can see on google play store every app or game chart they are dominating. B612 is perfect for taking selfies anytime, anywhere. The property offers a restaurant, terrace and modern accommodation with a satellite TV. In China, you have The app also sends you bizarre but flattering push notifications. But it is owned by is Japan’s Line Corp. (popular chat app which is blocked in China). B612 helps application users iOS, Android and Windows Phone photography, filming take a selfie with optional effects. WiFi is fre throughout. B612 is 5 minutes’ walk from Lake Levico and less than 0.6 miles from the Terme di Levico spa centre.