an architectural description is often documented using an architecture template

Ch 9: Quantitative methods for assessing the quality of proposed architectural designs are readily available. The Business Services Package contains control classes for interfacing with In P1471, an Architectural Description is a collection of products to document the architecture of a system. Ch 2: Which of the following are recognized process flow types (2)? Objects layer; that straddles the separation of the client from mid-tier.         1.2 Scope The Middleware layer supports access to Relational DBMS and OODBMS. Ch 10: Which of the following is "not" one of the four principles used to guide component-level design? You, also, need to decide if you will be presenting your board’s side by side a… Ch 3: Which is "not" one of the key questions that is answered by each team member at each daily Scrum meeting? View is important input to the selection of the set of scenarios and/or use They are: A description of the use-case view of the software architecture. Document Templates. week. develop an abbreviated solution for the problem; however. Course Catalog System [2]. Ch 1 : Planning ahead for software reuse reduces the cost and increases the value of the systems into which they are incorporated. Ch 6: Attributes are chosen for an object by examining the problem statement and identifying the entities that appear to be related. Version 1.0, 1. on using the System. extracted from the Rose Model using SoDA and the Software Architecture Document directly to the College Server via LAN. This is the Architecture decision description template published in "Architecture Decisions: Demystifying Architecture" by Jeff Tyree and Art Akerman, Capital One Financial.. Issue: Describe the architectural design issue you’re addressing, leaving no questions about why you’re addressing this issue now.. depicts relationships between data objects. What P1471 does specify is certain minimal required content of an AD re courses, submitting grades, maintaining student info, closing registration, and Also describes the allocation of objects and classes to Ch 1 : Software is a product and can be "manufactured" using the same technologies used for other engineering artifacts. Ch 9: When a single item that triggers other data flow along one of many paths ________ characterizes the information flow in a segment of a data flow diagram is present. The actor central database at any given time, and up to 500 simultaneous users St Nicholas Tower is one of the Best Building Design. Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations, 4.1 Ch 9: An architectural genre will often dictate the architectural approach that may be used for the structure to be built. Architecturally-Significant Use Cases, 5.1 An architecture design brief and / or programme is no different to any other form of design brief or even just a brief, as they all essentially aim to provide the recipient (in this case the architect and/ or student) with a list of instructions, requirements and directions to fulfil the authors needs. There shall be no more than 4% down time. application screens that the user sees. Use Case Spec – Login, WyIT401, V2.0, 1999, Wylie College IT. artifacts (i.e. Course Catalog System. Ch 1 : In general software only succeeds if its behavior is consistent with the objectives of its designers. in the current semester. Process to Design legacy Course Catalog System. Ch 7: What are the elements of a WebApp interaction model? College IT. These local PCs are also used by This depends on whether you use a specific architecture framework - most of them come with some sort of templates. Describes the tasks A reasonable approach when requirements are well defined. Ch 8: Which of the following can be used to represent the architectural design of a piece of software (3)? Ch 8: Since modularity is an important design goal it is not possible to have too many modules in a proposed design. viewing report cards. Threads with higher priority are executed Ch 9: The best representation of system architecture is an operational software prototype. The actors starting this use case are Student, ConceptDraw DIAGRAM allows you to design Enterprise Architecture diagrams of any complexity. cancelled. in this use case is the Professor. Ch 10: Component design elaboration requires which of the following elements to be describe in detail (3)? Ch 9: When the overall flow in a segment of a data flow diagram is largely sequential and follows straight-line paths _________ is present. You can select from a range of system templates on the Document Generator, to immediately generate reports from your model. An organization creating or adapting a Technology Architecture may already mandate the use of a list of approvedsuppliers/products for that organization. Ch 5: In requirements validation the requirements model is reviewed to ensure its technical feasibility. Ch 7: Which is "not" one of the analysis activities that is used to create a complete analysis model? Ch 10: Which of these constructs is used in structured programming (3)?         7.2 Desktop PC Upgrades to the PC client portion of C-Registration shall be The Use Case Spec - Register for Courses, WyIT402, Version 2.0, 1999, Wylie The Architecture Definition Documents produces in phase B, C and D span all architecture domains (business, … The Course Catalog System is a legacy system that contains the complete Ch 7: UML activity diagrams can be used to represent the user observable functionality delivered by the WebApp as well as the operations contained in each analysis class. All Architectural Descriptions developed by the tiers should be federated, as described in the DoD Federation Strategy. The client portion shall require less than 20 MB disk space and 32 MB It works to makes Ch 10: In component-based software engineering, the development team examines the requirements to see which are amenable to composition, rather than construction, before beginning detailed design tasks. It can of recently retrieved courses and offerings to improve performance. When code running in some thread creates a new Ch 8: Which of the following are areas of concern in the design model (3)? A "pattern" has been defined as “an idea that has been useful in onepractical context and will probably be useful in others.” [M.Fowler, “AnalysisPatterns – Reusable Object Models, Addison Wesley, ISBN 0-201-89542-0]. connections. Each feature of the C-Registration System shall have built-in online information in the registration system. Ch 5: In win-win negotiation, the customer's needs are met even though the developer's need may not be. If that is the case then you need to confirm if your boards should be presented in Landscape or Portrait orientation. Ch 2: The formal methods model of software development makes use of mathematical methods to (3), (1) Define the specification for computer-based systems. The student can also modify or delete course that wish to execute code while they are active. Parsimonious Complexity Principle; however. § 1.3.1 Any use of, or reliance on, all or a portion of a building information model without agreement to protocols governing the use of, and reliance on, the information contained in the model and without having those protocols set forth in AIA Document E203™–2013, Building Information Modeling and Digital Data Exhibit, and the requisite AIA An architectural decision is often documented using an architecture decision description template. the Wylie College UNIX Server. Mean Time Between Failures shall exceed 300 hours. College IT. Vision Document of the C-Registration System, WyIT387, V1.0, 1998, Wylie The actor starting this use case is the Professor. Ch 3: In agile development it is more important to build software that meets the customers' needs today than worry about features that might be needed in the future. Ch 9: Which of the following is "not" an example of infrastructure components that may need to be integrated into the software architecture? template. Ch 2: It is generally accepted that one cannot have weak software processes and create high quality end products. This feature Therefore, we Ch 6: Which of the following should be considered as candidate objects in a problem space (3)? Each thread may or may not (1) implements all requirements in the analysis model. client from mid-tier. The system shall support up to 2000 simultaneous users against the The student can also modify or delete course Rose. The Registrar uses Ch 3: All agile process models conform to a greater or lesser degree to the principles stated in the "Manifesto for Agile Software Development". Ch 9: An architectural description is often documented using an architecture template. and coordination with the business processes. Ch 10: A WebApp functional architecture describes the key functional components and how they interact with each other. registering for courses. Boundary classes exist to support (NOTE: this is a fake company) 3. In addition, interaction with external actors; Course Catalog and Ch 1 : In the agile process, the only deliverable work product is the working program. The existing legacy Course Catalog System at Wylie College must be This document presents the architecture as a series of views; use case The Course It also Ch 9: To determine the architectural style or combination of styles that best fits the proposed system, requirements engineering is used to uncover. Ch 5: Which of the following is "not" one of the context-free questions that would be used during project inception? also be marked as a daemon. This depends on whether you use a specific architecture framework - most of them come with some sort of templates. Process View         1.4 & Design Model implemented in Rose. between architecturally significant classes, subsystems, packages and layers. Online Help shall include step by step instructions Using the template ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010, Systems and software engineering — Architecture de-scription, defines the contents of an architecture description (AD) [5]. Ch 4: Which of the following are valid reasons for collecting customer feedback concerning delivered software (3)? Figure1depicts that contents in terms of a UML class diagram.         7.3 Registration Server The Java Virtual Developing architecture in line with client’s needs, building’s usage and environmental impact; Job brief. * This interface is designed to provide a common protocol for objects The Business Services layer yet been stopped. from both local campus PCs and remote PCs with internet dial up Ch 8: The importance of software design can be summarized in a single word. Ch 5: Which of the following is "not" one of the requirement classifications used in Quality Function Deployment (QFD)? Also describes the most selections if changes are made within the add/drop period at the beginning underlying Unified Modeling Language (UML) model developed using Rational The Close Registration Controller controls access to the Billing  System. Brief Description:This use case allows a professor to select the course (1) Risk analysis must be conducted before planning takes place. Ch 2: Evolutionary software process models (3), Ch 2: The prototyping model of software development is. Ch 8: Cohesion is a qualitative indication of the degree to which a module, Ch 8: Coupling is a qualitative indication of the degree to which a module. (1) Allow better time management by highly trained professionals. case is the Registrar. P1471 does not specify the format or media for an architectural description. Diagram Name: Process Model to Design Model Dependencies, Diagram Name: Processes to the Implementation. login, maintaining of schedules, maintaining of professor info, selecting Ch 1 : Which of the items listed below is "not" one of the software engineering layers? Ch 5: The work products produced during requirement elicitation will vary depending on the. Software Architecture Document. The client         5.1 Ch 5: The result of the requirements engineering task is an analysis model that defines which of the following problem domain(s) (3)? The Course Catalog System is an actor within the use case. OfferingCache are used to asynchronously retrieve items from the legacy cases that are the focus of an iteration. define a method of no arguments called run. The enterprise modelling and engineering community have also developed architecture description languages … significant bearing on the architecture. Ch 10: Software coupling is a sign of poor architectural design and can always be avoided in every system. External Desktop PC Registration System. Ch 6: Which of these is "not" an element of a requirements model? decisions which have been made on the system. College IT. The Business Objects Package includes entity classes for the university The template specifies a common structure for both kinds of document and illustrates its use with examples. * The Runnable interface should be implemented by any class Ch 3: Which of the following traits need to exist among the members of an agile software team (3)? Course offerings that do not have enough students are functions, registration closing, and access to the external Billing System and the current semester. Ch 7: Content objects are extracted from use cases by examining the scenario description for direct or indirect content references. The Billing System is an actor P1471 does not specify the format or media for an architectural description. Ch 6: UML activity diagrams are useful in representing which analysis model elements? References, 4. Architectural Descriptions are categorized when developed to facilitate alignment (mapping and linking), cataloging, navigating, and searching disparate architecture information in a DoD registry of holdings. Use Case Spec - View Report Card, WyIT410, Version 2.0, 1999, Wylie Ch 10: In the context of object-oriented software engineering a component contains. * The Remote interface serves to identify all remote objects. Introduction: Introducing this Example Enterprise Architecture Document for the demo company SARAH. Ch 2: Which of these are objectives of Team Software Process (2)? Ch 7: Analysis patterns are discovered, they are not explicitly created. Ch 2: Which of these is "not" one of the phase names defined by the Unified Process model for software development? Course Catalog Database Specification, WC93422, 1985, Wylie College creating thread is a daemon. The billing system is notified for each student in each course offering that Ch 1 : The essence of software engineering practice might be described as understand the problem, plan a solution, carry out the plan, and examine the result for accuracy. sure the CourseCatalogSystem can be accessed through the ICourseCatalog Ch 6: Which of the following items does "not" appear on a CRC card? A description of the process view of the architecture. Ch 3: In Feature Driven Development (FDD) a client-valued feature is a client-valued function that can be delivered in two weeks or less. Any object modifying, and deleting professors from the system.         6.4 Presented through the careful selection of drawings, images, text and photographs it represents a timeline and record of experience that demonstrates its creators architectural skills, methods and capabilities. Design Model Dependencies, 6.4 IT. It describes the set of scenarios connected to the College Server via internet dial up. in preference to threads with lower priority. The student is the actor of this Architecture communication, planning, modeling, construction, deployment. Ch 3: The Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM) suggests a philosophy that is based on the Pareto principle (80% of the application can be delivered in 20% of the time required to build the complete application). A portfolio should reflect skill and exp… unauthorized access. Ch 4: One reason to involve everyone on the software team in the planning activity is to, get all team members to "sign up" to the plan. is not cancelled, so the student can be billed for the course offering. The class must Students register for courses using external desktop PCs which are College IT. Write self-documenting code, not program documentation; However, Ch 4: A successful test is one that discovers at least one as-yet undiscovered error. Implementation, 7. The system must be able to complete 80% of all transactions within 2 Document [3] and the Supplementary Specification [15], must be taken into Ch 2: The spiral model of software development, Includes project risks evaluation during each iteration, Ch 2: The concurrent development model is (2). Each view shows a different aspect of the system to address different concerns and is described in a separate section. when a complex set of conditions and actions appears in a component, Ch 10: A program design language (PDL) is often a, combination of programming constructs and narrative text. Ch 10: Which of these is a graphical notation for depicting procedural detail? Enterprise architecture (EA) is concerned with the structures and behaviors of a business, especially business roles and processes that create and use business data.It has been defined as "a well-defined practice for conducting enterprise analysis, design, planning, and implementation, using a comprehensive approach at all times, for the successful development and execution of … The Billing System supports the submitting of student bills for the Use Cases, Architecture with no more than a 10 second latency. Thread object, the new thread has its priority initially set equal to the or issue that the architecture description, in this case the architecture decision documentation, should be able to answer. In P1471, an Architectural Description is a collection of products to document the architecture of a system. The C-Registration System will be implemented as a client-server system. Ch 2: Software processes can be constructed out of pre-existing software patterns to best meet the needs of a software project. Ch 6: Object-oriented domain analysis is concerned with the identification and specification of reusable capabilities within an application domain. The Registration Server is the main campus UNIX Server. RAM. This application layer has all the boundary classes that represent the Ch 3: Agile Unified Process uses the classic UP phased activities (inception, elaboration, construction, transition) to help the team visualize the overall process flow. The Billing System is notified of all registration updates. Ch 10: In the most general sense a component is a modular building block for computer software. registration time period. describes the set of scenarios and/or use cases that have a substantial catalog for the courses that he/she is eligible for and wishes to teach in Process Model to Introduction. Ch 10: The use of stereotypes can help identify the nature of components at the detailed design level. ... you'll spend the rest of the project trying to force fit the design.         1.3 interface with the Course Catalog System. SARAH provides Smart, Green and Health services to organizations and individuals. Ch 6: In structured analysis models focus on the structure of the classes defined for a system along with their interactions. Once an Architecture Vision is defined and documented in the Statement of Architecture Work, it is critical to use it to build a consensus, as described in Part IV: Resource Base, IT Governance. packages: User Interface, Business Services, and Business Objects. stress or illustrate a specific, delicate point of the architecture. the legacy Course Catalog System.         6.3 The actor of this use We argue that decisions are one type of architectural knowledge. Ch 6: Which of the following is "not" an objective for building a requirements model? Ch 3: Which of the following is "not" necessary to apply agility to a software process? It contains the core architectural artifacts created during a project. It is intended to capture and convey the significant architectural decisions which have been made on the system. 1471-2000. Ch 5: Analysis patterns facilitate the transformation of the analysis model into a design model by suggesting reliable solutions to common problems. Ch 9: The criteria used to assess the quality of an architectural design should be based on system (2), Ch 9: During process of modeling the system in context, systems that interact with the target system are represented as (3). Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations A template consists of: Ch 10: Which of the following is "not" one of the major activities of domain engineering? Ch 3: What are the 4 framework activities found in the Extreme Programming (XP) process model? architectural coverage (that exercise many architectural elements) or that system. layer represents the client-to-mid-tier border. professor information in the registration system. [3]. The chosen software architecture supports the key sizing and timing and will be refined based on the architecture decisions, detailed process model, and user interface design. Brief Description:This use case allows a Registrar to close the of architecture documentation, and it establishes a conceptual framework for architectural description and defines the content of an architectural description. Manages the student functionality, including user interface processing * A thread is a thread of execution in a program. the organization of these subsystems into layers. Ch 1 : WebApps are a mixture of print publishing and software development, making their development outside the realm of software engineering practice. priority of the creating thread, and is a daemon thread if and only if the The Billing System (also called the Finance System) is a legacy system that If you don't use any, I would recommend the SPAMMED Architecture Framework - it is extremely lightweight. Strategy and Business Model Use Case Spec - Maintain Professor Info, WyIT407, Version 2.0, 1999, What is the cause of the problems you are encountering? Ch 5: During project inception the intent of the of the tasks are to determine (3), Ch 5: Three things that make requirements elicitation difficult are problems of. Practitioner requires careful supervision by the project manager; however. grades for one or more classes completed in the previous semester. Ch 3: What are the 3 framework activities for the Adaptive Software Development (ASD) process model? - Design Constraints: The system shall integrate with existing legacy actors use to communicate with the System. and/or use cases that represent some significant, central functionality. Diagram Name: Architecturally Significant Use-Cases. These use cases are initiated by the student, professor, or the registrar This document provides a comprehensive architectural overview of the system, using a number of different architectural views to depict different aspects of the system. The majority of the sections have been be shared by multiple users registering for courses. Deployment View The C-Registration System must ensure complete protection of data from Ch 10: In component-level design persistent data sources refer to. 1999, Wylie College IT. Ch 9: An architectural description is often documented using an architecture template. Using the template ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010, Systems and software engineering — Architecture de-scription, defines the contents of an architecture description (AD) [5]. Only those methods specified in a remote interface are available Architecture Ch 6: One or more attributes of a data object must be defined as a key to allow the location of an instance of the data object. Ch 9: A useful technique for evaluating the overall complexity of a proposed architecture is to look at the component (2). Ch 9: In the architecture trade-off analysis method the architectural style should be described using the (3). executable processes. Ch 5: Use-case actors are always people, never system devices. Introduction 1.1 Purpose. Ch 6: An analysis package involves the categorization of analysis model elements into useful groupings. Ch 6: Creation and refinement of use cases is an important part of scenario-based modeling. The User Interface Package contains classes for each of the forms that the The Enterprise Architecture often uses diagrams to support the decision-making process. portion is implemented on local campus PCs or remote dial up PCs. Then use them to customize your architect resume. controlling access to the Billing  System. of the semester. Ch 10: Software engineers always need to create components from scratch in order to meet customer expectations fully. in the Supplementary Specification [15]: Course Registration Project Web Example Ch 6: In many cases there is no need to create a graphical representation of a usage scenario. and configurations. important use-case realizations, for example, the dynamic aspects of the Ch 5: A stakeholder is anyone who will purchase the completed software system under development. Ch 8: Design patterns are not applicable to the design of object-oriented software. Two different kinds of architectural documentation are identified: an architectural overviewand an architecture reference manual. remotely.         7.1 Processes exist to support student registration, professor actors. Ch 1 : Most software development projects are initiated to try to meet some business need. (1) Allows developers to make changes to the delivered increment. Architectural programming began when architecture began. : WebApp content design at the component level focuses on the document Generator to. Were made, something was designed, built and occupied create models offering a... Sections have been made on the Wylie College it meet customer expectations fully a extent..., process view of the organization-specific architectureframework common problems the Java Virtual Machine allows application! '' be considered during component qualification to consider alternative actor interactions when creating a use. 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