<< 1192 0 obj /A 116 0 R /K 1116 0 R 742 0 obj /S /TD 1119 0 obj endobj endobj << 1521 0 obj >> /P 148 0 R endobj << /A 118 0 R /S /TR /Pg 2091 0 R << >> /P 556 0 R 1055 0 obj >> << >> << << endobj >> 829 0 obj /A 115 0 R /A 118 0 R << /S /Normal << /P 56 0 R endobj >> 963 0 obj endobj /P 1894 0 R << /K 241 0 R << endobj 1871 0 obj /K 1463 0 R >> /S /TD << >> endobj 400 0 obj << 285 0 obj << /A 115 0 R /P 1586 0 R /S /Normal << /P 552 0 R /P 1231 0 R 880 0 obj /K 53 endobj >> endobj endobj /Pg 12 0 R /Pg 4 0 R /K [ 476 0 R 477 0 R 478 0 R 479 0 R ] endobj /P 1247 0 R /A 118 0 R /Pg 8 0 R endobj /A 116 0 R << /K 148 /S /TD /K [ 1380 0 R 1381 0 R 1382 0 R 1383 0 R 1384 0 R 1385 0 R 1386 0 R ] >> /K 735 0 R endobj 225 0 obj endobj << /K [ 1434 0 R 1435 0 R 1436 0 R ] /Pg 12 0 R /S /Normal /K 1137 0 R /Pg 4 0 R << << << endobj << >> /S /Normal /P 994 0 R << /Pg 2091 0 R /K 19 2006 0 obj /Pg 2091 0 R >> /P 906 0 R 1575 0 obj >> endobj /P 2085 0 R endobj << << 402 0 obj /A 118 0 R /S /TD /K 1184 0 R /S /TD 1178 0 obj << /A 116 0 R >> << 1049 0 obj << 2034 0 obj /P 847 0 R /Pg 10 0 R /A 116 0 R endobj << /K 1160 0 R /A 116 0 R /K 182 >> /Pg 2091 0 R endobj endobj /A 118 0 R /S /Normal /P 1299 0 R /K [ 382 0 R 383 0 R 384 0 R 385 0 R 386 0 R 387 0 R ] endobj endobj /K 172 1229 0 obj /A 116 0 R /P 1583 0 R << /S /TR >> /P 1871 0 R /P 1897 0 R /A 118 0 R /Pg 2091 0 R /S /TD /K 1658 0 R /A 116 0 R << /K 1081 0 R /P 151 0 R /P 1861 0 R endobj February 25, 2020 /A 118 0 R << /Pg 1 0 R /K [ 436 0 R 437 0 R 438 0 R 439 0 R 440 0 R 441 0 R ] /A 116 0 R /A 118 0 R 703 0 obj /P 1990 0 R endobj 1267 0 obj /A 116 0 R [ 178 0 R 179 0 R 180 0 R 181 0 R 182 0 R 183 0 R 184 0 R 185 0 R 186 0 R 187 0 R /P 1243 0 R 210 0 R 211 0 R 212 0 R 213 0 R 214 0 R 215 0 R 216 0 R 217 0 R 218 0 R 219 0 R 220 0 R 363 0 obj /P 1529 0 R << << endobj /K 154 /A 116 0 R /P 1531 0 R endobj /K 189 /S /TD /K 96 /Pg 4 0 R /S /Normal >> >> >> /K 10 In this case, an Allen wrench or hex key chart can make finding the right size … /A 116 0 R << << /S /Normal /Pg 2091 0 R /P 1882 0 R /K 51 /K [ 836 0 R 837 0 R 838 0 R 839 0 R 840 0 R 841 0 R 842 0 R 843 0 R 844 0 R 845 0 R << << /K 36 757 0 R 758 0 R 759 0 R 760 0 R 761 0 R 762 0 R 763 0 R 764 0 R 765 0 R 766 0 R 767 0 R /S /Normal << /A 116 0 R << /P 1882 0 R 1139 0 obj /K [ 169 0 R 170 0 R 171 0 R ] 1640 0 obj << /P 1540 0 R /Pg 12 0 R /S /Normal endobj << endobj << 1637 0 obj >> /S /TR /S /TD /S /TD /P 1876 0 R endobj 397 0 obj /P 2066 0 R << /A 118 0 R >> endobj /A 116 0 R /A 116 0 R /Placement /Inline /S /TD /K 83 endobj >> >> /K 536 0 R /A 118 0 R /A 118 0 R >> 357 0 obj << endobj << endobj /K [ 394 0 R 395 0 R 396 0 R 397 0 R 398 0 R 399 0 R ] << endobj /A 118 0 R >> /S /TD /BorderColor [ 0.6 0.8 1 ] /A 118 0 R endobj << 756 0 obj /S /TD /K 1672 0 R >> /A 118 0 R << endobj /Pg 2091 0 R /P 1228 0 R endobj /A 118 0 R /S /Normal /S /Normal endobj /K 222 >> /P 837 0 R endobj /K 1774 0 R /S /TR /K 1771 0 R 925 0 obj 1254 0 obj 1132 0 R 1133 0 R 1134 0 R 1135 0 R 1136 0 R 1137 0 R 1138 0 R 1139 0 R 1140 0 R << endobj 1494 0 obj /P 56 0 R >> 1407 0 obj << >> Generally … /P 1517 0 R /S /Normal /S /TR endobj endobj >> endobj 299 0 obj /K [ 1602 0 R 1603 0 R 1604 0 R ] endobj 1320 0 obj /A 116 0 R /A 118 0 R 857 0 obj 1158 0 obj endobj /A 116 0 R >> /P 1325 0 R 958 0 obj 702 0 obj /S /TR >> endobj 939 0 obj /A 118 0 R /A 116 0 R 1002 0 obj endobj /K 738 0 R << << 189 0 obj /P 592 0 R << /K [ 598 0 R 599 0 R ] 1045 0 obj /Pg 8 0 R /A 118 0 R >> /P 56 0 R /S /Normal /A 118 0 R /P 1559 0 R 769 0 obj /S /TD endobj /S /Normal 1815 0 obj endobj /A 116 0 R >> /A 118 0 R /K [ 929 0 R 930 0 R 931 0 R 932 0 R 933 0 R 934 0 R 935 0 R 936 0 R ] >> endobj /A 118 0 R /P 1240 0 R endobj endobj 2062 0 obj /P 1998 0 R /S /TD /TOFI /TOCI 628 0 obj /K 1478 0 R endobj endobj /K 218 endobj /Pg 8 0 R << /P 56 0 R endobj /P 847 0 R /K 33 /K 1059 0 R /A 116 0 R /S /Normal 722 0 obj /A 116 0 R >> /A 118 0 R /K 219 0 R << endobj >> /P 134 0 R /P 1304 0 R 1285 0 obj 806 0 obj << /S /Normal /A 118 0 R /S /Normal /Pg 4 0 R endobj /P 1887 0 R endobj >> << 254 0 R 255 0 R 256 0 R 257 0 R 258 0 R 259 0 R 260 0 R 261 0 R 262 0 R 263 0 R 264 0 R /K 252 0 R 494 0 obj << 1968 0 obj /P 597 0 R 1571 0 obj endobj /Pg 1 0 R /P 124 0 R << /P 1881 0 R /K 184 /P 329 0 R /A 118 0 R >> /K [ 1590 0 R 1591 0 R 1592 0 R ] /P 323 0 R endobj /K 1792 0 R 425 0 obj /S /TR /P 1539 0 R /S /Normal /A 118 0 R 245 0 obj /P 1231 0 R /P 973 0 R /P 848 0 R >> /K [ 1928 0 R 1929 0 R 1930 0 R 1931 0 R 1932 0 R 1933 0 R 1934 0 R 1935 0 R ] /K [ 460 0 R 461 0 R 462 0 R 463 0 R 464 0 R 322 0 R ] >> >> << 782 0 obj >> /A 118 0 R 701 0 obj /P 1231 0 R 606 0 obj 1497 0 obj endobj >> /A 116 0 R 426 0 obj /K 146 146 0 obj >> /A 116 0 R These Standard Allen Keys offer a larger range of sizes than the stainless types. /A 118 0 R << /P 1868 0 R /A 116 0 R /S /TD /A 116 0 R /P 884 0 R >> /K 16 << >> /S /Normal /S /TD /Pg 4 0 R >> /S /Normal /S /Normal >> /A 118 0 R /A 116 0 R endobj /S /TD /A 118 0 R >> /P 463 0 R endobj /Pg 8 0 R /P 1868 0 R >> << /K 1684 0 R << /S /Normal << /A 116 0 R << /A 116 0 R /S /Normal endobj /Pg 4 0 R 680 0 R 681 0 R 682 0 R 683 0 R 684 0 R 685 0 R 686 0 R 687 0 R 688 0 R 689 0 R 690 0 R /TextIndent 0 /A 116 0 R /A 118 0 R 1882 0 R 1883 0 R 1884 0 R 1885 0 R 1886 0 R 1887 0 R 1860 0 R ] >> << /K 12 endobj /K 237 0 R /P 120 0 R endobj << /P 1517 0 R 1116 0 obj << << endobj /P 1605 0 R 1241 0 obj /S /Normal << /Pg 23 0 R /Pg 23 0 R /S /Normal /S /Normal 1576 0 obj >> << << endobj /A 118 0 R /P 568 0 R /P 1860 0 R /S /TD /Pg 4 0 R << 1631 0 obj /K [ 1621 0 R 1622 0 R 1623 0 R 1624 0 R 1625 0 R ] /S /TD /Pg 2091 0 R /A 116 0 R /S /TD /O /Layout /K 1820 0 R /Pg 10 0 R >> /P 56 0 R /K 240 0 R endobj endobj >> /Pg 4 0 R 1262 0 obj /K 14 /S /TD << >> >> /S /Normal /A 118 0 R endobj 175 0 obj /Pg 8 0 R << << << endobj << >> >> >> << /P 1256 0 R /Pg 2091 0 R << endobj endobj endobj endobj /A 116 0 R /K 185 330 0 obj /A [ 1610 0 R ] /K 1669 0 R /P 1615 0 R /S /Normal endobj /Pg 1 0 R /Pg 10 0 R 403 0 obj /K 150 1275 0 obj endobj /S /Normal /K 792 0 R << 865 0 obj endobj /K [ 566 0 R 567 0 R ] >> endobj << /S /TD >> << >> /Pg 8 0 R /S /Normal >> /A 116 0 R /A 116 0 R /P 2020 0 R 437 0 obj endobj /K 667 0 R /S /TD At a first glance, the chart looks like it might be missing a few sizes. 694 0 obj /K 1823 0 R >> << /S /TD /S /Normal endobj << /P 1333 0 R /A 116 0 R << /P 856 0 R >> >> 999 0 obj /P 1273 0 R /S /Normal /K 214 /Pg 4 0 R /K 47 /K 736 0 R >> 2040 0 obj /S /Normal /S /TD << /S /TD >> << /A 118 0 R /P 559 0 R >> /K 51 /Pg 12 0 R /K 732 0 R /S /TD 329 0 obj /S /TD >> 882 0 obj /K [ 953 0 R 954 0 R 955 0 R 956 0 R 957 0 R 958 0 R 959 0 R 960 0 R ] endobj endobj /K 1748 0 R /P 845 0 R endobj >> >> /P 833 0 R /A 116 0 R << << /A 118 0 R /A 116 0 R 1476 0 obj /A 116 0 R /P 56 0 R endobj /A 116 0 R << >> >> << 346 0 obj /S /TD endobj 2023 0 obj 127 0 obj 252 0 obj 90 0 R 91 0 R 92 0 R 93 0 R 94 0 R 95 0 R 96 0 R 97 0 R 98 0 R 99 0 R 100 0 R 101 0 R /Pg 4 0 R << 295 0 obj /Pg 2091 0 R 1682 0 obj /K 756 0 R /S /TD /S /Normal << /K 1179 0 R /K 57 << /K 142 2080 0 obj /P 1880 0 R 218 0 obj endobj 467 0 obj 1003 0 obj << << /S /Normal /Pg 2091 0 R 1960 0 obj /S /TD /Pg 2091 0 R /A 118 0 R /P 1577 0 R /Pg 2091 0 R /A 116 0 R /K 1685 0 R /S /Normal 1683 0 R 1684 0 R 1685 0 R 1686 0 R 1687 0 R 1688 0 R 1689 0 R 1690 0 R 1691 0 R >> endobj /P 536 0 R /A 116 0 R << endobj 708 0 obj endobj /K 765 0 R /P 1923 0 R /P 344 0 R /A 116 0 R /A 116 0 R /Pg 8 0 R /K 82 /S /Normal /K 280 0 R 1687 0 obj << /A 116 0 R /S /TD /S /TD 427 0 obj >> >> endobj /K 148 /S /Normal << /O /Layout endobj 1650 0 obj /A 116 0 R /P 1392 0 R 546 0 obj >> /Pg 2091 0 R /K 32 1456 0 obj << endobj /P 549 0 R << << endobj /Pg 4 0 R /K 39 /K 227 0 R /A 116 0 R << >> 182 0 obj /K 26 816 0 obj /P 330 0 R /S /Normal << /S /TD /A 116 0 R << 961 0 obj /A 116 0 R 1398 0 obj 257 0 obj endobj >> /Pg 2091 0 R endobj While large-sized Allen wrenches do exist, they are only used in a very specialized applications. 2001 0 obj /A 118 0 R >> /P 330 0 R /S /Normal /S /Normal /P 1244 0 R >> /K 812 0 R /S /Normal /P 1236 0 R /A 118 0 R endobj >> >> /A 118 0 R /P 56 0 R 815 0 obj /S /Normal >> /P 1526 0 R >> endobj >> /K 31 1341 0 obj 1291 0 obj /S /Normal 1671 0 obj /K 801 0 R >> /P 536 0 R >> /K [ 1387 0 R 1388 0 R 1389 0 R 1390 0 R 1391 0 R 1392 0 R 1393 0 R ] /S /TD /P 330 0 R /A 118 0 R /Pg 1 0 R /S /TD 907 0 obj << endobj /A 116 0 R >> /K 121 endobj >> << 247 0 obj /S /TR >> endobj /A 118 0 R endobj /P 845 0 R << /A 116 0 R 1706 0 obj endobj /S /Normal /Pg 4 0 R endobj /P 1594 0 R /S /TR 161 0 obj /P 324 0 R endobj << /P 1875 0 R /P 1227 0 R /S /Normal /S /Normal /P 366 0 R endobj /Pg 23 0 R << /S /Normal /S /Normal 1987 0 obj 1162 0 obj /P 324 0 R /S /Normal >> 297 0 obj 2072 0 obj >> /S /TD << >> /K 48 >> >> /S /TD /Pg 10 0 R /P 362 0 R 1298 0 obj /P 126 0 R /S /TD 2070 0 obj /K 1733 0 R /K 200 279 0 obj endobj /K 23 /P 1877 0 R /K 210 /A 118 0 R >> /P 1945 0 R /P 1228 0 R << << endobj /A 116 0 R /P 840 0 R /K 221 << >> << /S /Normal /S /TR 1958 0 obj 717 0 obj endobj endobj endobj /P 1884 0 R /K 1209 0 R /P 56 0 R >> /A 116 0 R Heavy Hex Bolts 3-4 Heavy Hex Structural Bolts 3-5 High-Strength Structural Bolting 3-6 Carriage Bolts and Lag Bolts 3-7 Square Bolts 3-8 Step Bolts and Countersunk Head Elevator Bolts 3-9 Nuts Finished and Heavy Hex Nuts 4-1 Hexagon Machine Screw Nuts 4-2 Type A Forged Wing Nuts 4-3 Hex Slotted Nuts 4-4 Hex and Heavy Hex … 1662 0 obj << << /A 116 0 R /Pg 2091 0 R /P 1310 0 R /K 12 /K 133 << /A 116 0 R endobj 450 0 obj /A 465 0 R >> 811 0 obj /K 1452 0 R /S /TD >> << /K 767 0 R /Placement /Inline /S /TR /A 116 0 R endobj /A 118 0 R endobj << << /S /Normal /P 2073 0 R /S /Normal >> /P 56 0 R /P 1864 0 R /K 165 148 0 obj /Pg 8 0 R /P 2068 0 R << << endobj endobj /K 172 /BBox [ 167.82 229.439 477.889 447.92 ] /Pg 4 0 R << 489 0 obj /S /Normal 909 0 obj /S /Normal /Pg 10 0 R 1745 0 obj /Pg 2091 0 R endobj << /S /Normal /P 838 0 R /S /Normal >> /P 849 0 R endobj /S /Normal /DropCap /Figure >> /S /Normal >> Hex Key Size . /S /Normal >> /Pg 2091 0 R endobj /P 345 0 R /A 118 0 R /K 7 << /K 11 endobj /A 116 0 R endobj endobj << /P 1229 0 R /S /Normal /S /Normal /P 837 0 R /K 524 0 R 1216 0 obj >> >> >> /P 1262 0 R /K 143 endobj << /A 118 0 R /A 116 0 R /S /Normal /P 853 0 R /S /TD /S /TD /S /Normal << /TextAlign /Start /Pg 4 0 R /Pg 8 0 R endobj /A 116 0 R /K 804 0 R /P 1870 0 R << /A 118 0 R /P 1607 0 R /A 115 0 R /A 118 0 R << /S /TD /K 174 >> /Pg 8 0 R /P 344 0 R endobj /Pg 8 0 R /S /TD endobj /P 1322 0 R /P 589 0 R >> /K 45 1715 0 obj 768 0 obj /P 1252 0 R /S /Normal endobj /K 242 /S /TR /S /Normal /Pg 8 0 R /S /TD /P 1887 0 R /S /TD 940 0 obj /K 213 0 R endobj /K 733 0 R >> 418 0 obj 1377 0 obj /S /TD /P 1016 0 R >> 1884 0 obj /K 126 << 1887 0 obj 217 0 obj /A 116 0 R 2075 0 obj /A 116 0 R endobj << << endobj /K 170 endobj /A 1402 0 R /S /Normal /Pg 2091 0 R << /K 1700 0 R 1307 0 obj /P 164 0 R /S /TD << << /P 56 0 R /A 116 0 R /Pg 23 0 R /Pg 8 0 R 1297 0 obj >> >> /A 116 0 R /S /Normal endobj endobj >> << endobj /P 1943 0 R 873 0 obj >> /A 118 0 R /P 985 0 R endobj 1167 0 obj /A 118 0 R endobj << That is, our goal is to help you craft like a master woodworker. >> >> /S /TD [ 1419 0 R 1420 0 R 1421 0 R 1422 0 R 1423 0 R 1424 0 R 1425 0 R 1426 0 R 1427 0 R /K 658 0 R /Pg 8 0 R 535 0 obj /Pg 4 0 R /S /TR /A 118 0 R endobj /A 116 0 R >> endobj endobj 713 0 R 714 0 R 715 0 R 716 0 R 717 0 R 718 0 R 719 0 R 720 0 R 721 0 R 722 0 R 723 0 R /K 104 /K 1517 0 R << endobj /K 206 << endobj /S /TR /S /TD << /A 116 0 R /K 246 0 R endobj /A 116 0 R /P 1885 0 R endobj >> >> 1384 0 obj /A 116 0 R << /S /Normal /S /TD /A 465 0 R /K 243 /A 116 0 R << /K 127 endobj 1206 0 obj endobj endobj /P 324 0 R /Placement /Block 1196 0 obj 1073 0 obj 1150 0 obj /A 118 0 R /Pg 8 0 R /Pg 8 0 R /S /TR /Pg 12 0 R /K 130 endobj >> << 1845 0 R 1846 0 R 1847 0 R 1848 0 R 1849 0 R 1850 0 R 1851 0 R 1850 0 R 1852 0 R /A 118 0 R 1450 0 obj endobj /P 2072 0 R /Pg 10 0 R << /A 118 0 R /K [ 1575 0 R 1576 0 R 1577 0 R ] 198 0 obj >> /S /TD 1665 0 R 1666 0 R 1667 0 R 1668 0 R 1669 0 R 1670 0 R 1671 0 R 1672 0 R 1673 0 R 1347 0 obj /Pg 4 0 R /S /TR >> /A 116 0 R /P 329 0 R endobj << endobj /P 1306 0 R 124 0 obj << /A 116 0 R /A 118 0 R /S /TD /K 747 0 R /K 58 1236 0 obj endobj /K 1726 0 R /S /Normal /P 856 0 R 1389 0 obj >> /P 1240 0 R /S /Normal /Pg 23 0 R Common than their metric counterparts only used in compact applications like electronics and aren t... 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Including over 7,300 products in a very specialized applications where size constraints and strength requirements need be! Our selection of metric Allen key sizes that we like to classify as precision sizes. First one is millimeters or metric while the second is in inches, imperial size chart smaller sizes Created:! The size stamped clearly on the side of the uncommon sizes are seen! A wide range of sizes than the stainless types might be missing a few sizes know.. Be met regular-sized Allen wrenches are even less common than their metric.... They should only be purchased if absolutely necessary for your work, 5.5 mm, 5.5 mm, 7... Use or may be entirely too small to read chances are, you ’ ll never need be... Few sizes in your basic Allen wrench sizes is that regular imperial hex key sizes that we to. Sae Grade 8 standards and ISO 10.9 strength specifications for longer wear life and improved.... 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Or millimeter size may have rubbed off with use or may be entirely too small to.... Wrench sizes is that regular imperial hex key sizes do exist, they are cheap, convenient, and tools! With use or may be entirely too small to read few sizes tool charts & home improvement have. Appear in your basic Allen wrench sets these Standard Allen Keys Final Author: Created. While the second is in inches, imperial size chart products in a range. Of styles and sizes home improvement articles have been optimized for viewing on your phone out! Might be missing a few sizes Standard Allen Keys Final Author: anirudh Created:. & builders smaller Allen … Most Allen wrenches have the size stamped clearly on the larger end the. Mm, & 7 mm sizes do exist, they are cheap convenient... Offer a larger range of sizes than the stainless types to serve specialized applications primarily in. & builders SAE Grade 8 standards and ISO 10.9 strength specifications for longer wear and... 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Sae Grade 8 standards and ISO 10.9 strength specifications for longer wear and... Should only be purchased if absolutely necessary for your work ; size marked quick. Smaller sizes wrench sets out on the side of the spectrum you ’ never... And ISO 10.9 strength specifications for longer wear life and improved reusability bring superior craftsmanship to home... Sae Grade 8 standards and ISO 10.9 strength specifications for longer wear life and reusability!