3m microfoam tape uses

$12.00 Sale Price. It can be used to hold gauze padding over small wounds, usually as a temporary measure until a suitable dressing is applied. 3M Microfoam Tape for DIY Eyepads by LashJoy. According to 3M, laying the tape on the area will not provide enough contact to support a strong hold. Conformable, water-resistant elastic foam tape that has multi-directional stretch. H��W�n�F���`�{�-/��4h�&����_V�JdB����~}g/�Z�\�Fa���ݹ��3�(�4;���U !�����(�^���H����\�yO �g[|�����W��v��`��; +����>��;P�����no�q�/>6|-8���7'�SF���`"qW�'��I�;L�IhS��[�&qq��&�z�-�Sf���e:����[����Ϸ�C�uW���2���Y��)^G�#�m{a���ψ����c���"m�m-��ۗ���,a-J��2�Ҫ�(U�1]Be�&A0�qn�]��NJ�h†((a> It is specially designed to stretch and conform to the skin surface. 3M™ Primer 94, 3M™ Adhesion Promoter 111 and 3M™ Silane Glass Treatment AP 115 are available through distributors that carry 3M™ VHB™ Tapes. Microfoam tape features all direction stretchability which provides additional comfort. This will ensure the tape stays in place. Conforms readily to joints and skin folds. 1 of 4. It is made with an elastic foam that is designed to stretch and conform while providing secure adhesion to joints or skin folds. • Some tapes are less gentle (e.g. The conformable nature of Microfoam makes it useful for application to trailer << /Size 42 /Info 24 0 R /Root 28 0 R /Prev 26464 /ID[<69334f74ab17b11dada548852afc98c0>] >> startxref 0 %%EOF 28 0 obj << /Pages 25 0 R /Type /Catalog /PageLayout /SinglePage /OpenAction 29 0 R /Metadata 26 0 R >> endobj 29 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 30 0 R /Fit ] >> endobj 40 0 obj << /S 112 /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 41 0 R >> stream INTERNATIONAL REGULATIONS Contact 3M … 3M Microfoam can be stretched both horizontally and vertically, allowing for much more versatile coverage, perfect for covering eyelid and securing the lower lashes. In common with all adhesive products, Microfoam should be stored 3M Microfoam medical tape … Convenient bidirectional weave tears easily and cleanly. Commercial use of this material is regulated by the FDA. 3M™ Microfoam™ Surgical Tape is for: securing dressings on sites where movement is likely, such as over joints and other challenging areas; securing compression … 3M™ Microfoam™ Medical Tape. Specifications. The 3M Microfoam Surgical Tape is Latex-free, hypoallergenic closed-cell foam tape that offers excellent adhesion and gives all-direction stretch.. Microfoam is water-resistant and highly conformable. How to use: Video 01. Gentle pressure will attach the adhesive to skin surface. Although the tape is extensible, care should be taken Microfoam tape is excellent for securing dressings and compression applications in challenging areas. 3M MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 3M(TM) Microfoam Surgical Tape and Tape Patch 1528, 1528B, 1562 05/28/2004 _____ Page 6 of 6 This material contains one or more substances not listed on the TSCA Inventory. Details. This 3M foam medical tape is highly conformable and excellent for repeated applications on sensitive, fragile skin, and elderly patients. Contact 3M for more information. You can find more First Aid Purchase online now Compare Prices For 3M Microfoam MICROFOAM … Use our handy Live Chat tool or call 866.528.2144 for any questions about ordering 3M Innovation's Microfoam Surgical Latex-Free Tape today and experience for yourself why our customer service is consistently ranked the best in the industry. 1528 Microfoam™ Surgical Tape, 100mm x 5M, 3 x rolls/box 3M makes products that make a real impact in your everyday life. You can telephone our customer services team on 01274 736319 to place an order, Monday to Friday from 9.00am to 5.30pm. No selections available; Mircofoam hypoallergenic tape is excellent for compression applications or securing dressings in challenging areas. Other commonly used practice objects include fruits such as oranges, bananas and grapes, or hard‐boiled eggs. Multi-direction stretch to accommodate swelling and promote comfort. may also be used to provide light pressure as part of a 27 0 obj << /Linearized 1 /O 30 /H [ 819 252 ] /L 27132 /E 7578 /N 5 /T 26474 >> endobj xref 27 15 0000000016 00000 n Suitable for use on the eyelids and under eye area. Find a Product. 3M Microfoam MICROFOAM ELSTC 1INX5 5YD Sale 3M Microfoam Tape [MICROFOAM TAPE ELSTC 1INX5.5YD] 3M Microfoam Tape [MICROFOAM TAPE ELSTC 1INX5.5YD] read product detail and compare great price. 3 inch x 5-1/2 yard (stretched) (7,5cm x 5m (stretched)) Elastic foam, hypoallergenic tape Latex-free, hypoallergenic, elastic foam tape products designed to stretch and conform while providing secure adhesion to joints or skin folds. ���ҩ�d(�&j� O���G7>�&�S��� L@Z��� 2��;:` /�#3p�(XD�����ɹ���Ę�'�ヿ��\�\�� �0 cD< endstream endobj 41 0 obj 146 endobj 30 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 25 0 R /Resources << /Font << /F0 32 0 R /F1 34 0 R /F2 35 0 R >> /ProcSet 39 0 R >> /Contents 37 0 R /MediaBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] /CropBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] /Rotate 0 >> endobj 31 0 obj << /Type /FontDescriptor /FontName /Arial,Bold /Flags 16416 /FontBBox [ -250 -212 1150 1000 ] /MissingWidth 319 /StemV 153 /StemH 153 /ItalicAngle 0 /CapHeight 905 /XHeight 453 /Ascent 905 /Descent -212 /Leading 150 /MaxWidth 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750 750 222 222 333 333 350 556 1000 333 1000 500 333 944 750 500 667 278 333 556 556 556 556 260 556 333 737 370 556 584 333 737 552 400 549 333 333 333 576 537 278 333 333 365 556 834 834 834 611 667 667 667 667 667 667 1000 722 667 667 667 667 278 278 278 278 722 722 778 778 778 778 778 584 778 722 722 722 722 667 667 611 556 556 556 556 556 556 889 500 556 556 556 556 278 278 278 278 556 556 556 556 556 556 556 549 611 556 556 556 556 500 556 500 ] /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding /FontDescriptor 36 0 R >> endobj 36 0 obj << /Type /FontDescriptor /FontName /Arial /Flags 32 /FontBBox [ -250 -212 1210 1000 ] /MissingWidth 276 /StemV 80 /StemH 80 /ItalicAngle 0 /CapHeight 905 /XHeight 453 /Ascent 905 /Descent -212 /Leading 150 /MaxWidth 1008 /AvgWidth 441 >> endobj 37 0 obj << /Length 38 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> stream 3M™ Transpore™ Surgical Tape, single-patient use roll 1527S-1, 1 inch x 1 1/2 yard (2,5cm x 1,37m), 100 rolls/box It is important to ensure that any tape so sterilised is adequately The tape is highly conformable and adapts easily to body movements. generally be used on patients who have exhibited an adverse reaction It is excellent for securing regular and bulky … Ask the community about this product and get answers. Change the tape … The tape is highly conformable and adapts easily to body movements. 3M Microfoam Tape. Use for securing ostomy appliances, securing tubing and devices, anchoring bulky dressings, immobilizing fingers or toes, and stabilizing finger splints. It is recommended to apply this tape 30 minutes prior to activity, and ensure there are no oils, lotions, or sweat prior to application. 3M Microfoam Tape is an elastic tape used in wound care. on patients who have very fragile skin, such as those on long-term Microfoam surgical tape manufactured by 3M consists of rolls of closed‐cell … It should not be necessary to use skin tackifiers, such as tincture of It conforms easily to joints or skin folds. It can be used to hold gauze padding over small wounds, usually as a temporary measure until a suitable dressing is applied. Microfoam tape is excellent for securing dressings and compression applications in challenging areas. 0000002944 00000 n Thank you for your question about your breast augmentation.I do not use microfoam tape - it can blister or strip the skin.But I do tape the surgical area because it … cwW�h!��i,�Md-�aFH� �*S��?�S��a���s١��P7�^��Ku( Microfoam consists of an extensible, primarily closed cell foam, coated with a layer of an acrylic adhesive. … 0000002666 00000 n Microfoam … 0000001565 00000 n 0000000765 00000 n literature. 3M™ Microfoam™ Surgical Tape 1528-1, 25mm x 3m (5m fully stretched), 200/CASE 5/PK. Recommended use and restrictions on use Recommended use Medical foam tape. 3M™ Durapore Tape and 3M™ Cloth Adhesive Tape) but are used … Gently stretch the microfoam tape across your client’s eye to the outer aspect Use a finger from your opposite hand (not the hand already bracing the inner corner in place) to pull down the skin on the outside corner of the eye (this functions to “straighten” the eye so the microfoam can lay flat) use like eye pad instead; Is highly conformable elastic foam tape that stretches for compression applications or securing dressings on challenging areas. 0000000819 00000 n use like eye pad instead; Is highly conformable elastic foam tape that stretches for compression applications or securing dressings on … Rub the tape into place. Leave the tape in place for 24 hours and then remove it. 0000001071 00000 n The microfoam does not shift or move on the skin but can easily be removed without pain. I� Storage/Shelf Life: It is recommended that 3M surgical tapes be stored under normal conditions within the temperature range of 59 - 86°F (15 - 30°C). 3M Healthcare Microfoam Hypoallergenic Elastic Foam Surgical Tape 1" x 5-1/2 yds (Stretched), Highly Conformable, Water Resistant, Latex-free (Roll of 1 Each) 1.0 out of 5 stars 1 $6.93 $ 6 . aerated before use. 3M Microfoam Tape 1 inch x 5-1/2 yard elastic foam, hypoallergenic tape. It is a closed-cell foam adhesive tape that provides multi-direction stretch and conformable to body contours. Highly conformable elastic foam tape that stretches in all directions for easy application with a gentle, secure adhesion to irregularly contoured sites, water resistant and best of all its hypoallergenic and latex free. 3M Microfoam Surgical Tape is a latex free, hypoallergenic and water resistant tape that offers secure adhesion to irregularly contoured sites. The tape is presented in rolls, individually wrapped. Read more reviews on First Aid. The use of tape minimises the chance of skin irritation and reaction. Filter . 3M Microfoam provides required compression and protects and cushions the surface. Multi-directional stretch accommodates swelling and promotes comfort. Supplier s details Address: 3M … This Tape is the most economical, high-strength and high-adhesion tape. Check out the First Aid, deliver absolutely customer satisfaction and save more money with fast and secure shipping. benzoin, with Microfoam. This is the tape that can solve so many lash issues! Although permeable to oxygen and moisture vapour, the tape provides a 3M™ Scotch-Weld™ Plastic … 3M™ Durapore™ Surgical Tape, single-patient use roll 1538S-1, 1 inch x 1 1/2 yard Our products have made driving at night easier, buildings safer materials lighter, faster and better for a better planet. 0000007322 00000 n �>�6��̈́��[��F�7��$���������s�t[ԕvM��> w�����1�c�",����cx�Ĵ`�������`�Dlh�k�� �P�㡖e�����~�J�]���t��j�����F�7��r�N��O=�b2y4��E�%�b�V�A5�">�O̪�&�iB���?�^y��Qa�[���4 ���)�OdDD,< R���k�*x��2�c�A���7� ���9�'p:��B�=�'*��b�7O�1�!+��ծ+t���C)Ra�^��%�{u���.����@�KS�!Y�=�8�s�i�N��Gl��M�6 3M HEALTH CARE LTD 3M recognises that as the healthcare delivery becomes more complex, choosing the right product and using it effectively is a key component of successful patient outcomes. Microfoam is radio-transparent, and may be sterilised by ethylene 3M™ Littmann® Stethoscopes. … Micropore tape was intended for use on human skin, devices, dressings, and tubings. irregular or contoured sites such as knees, ankles elbows etc. As Microfoam is coated with an acrylic adhesive, it may Microfoam Medical tapes for Medical. It has multi-directional stretch to accommodate swelling and promote comfort and confirms readily. But there are brands like Somnifix that specialize in this kind of sleep process. The thicker foam padding helps protect the accidental touching … Microfoam consists of an extensible, primarily closed cell foam, I use this for eyelash extensions, specifically for my sensitive clients who cannot use the collagen undereye pads or adhesive stick tape that leaves residue on their skin. Learn More about Q&A. CS 3M Microfoam Tape Special Offer (CS) 3M(c) Microfoam(c) Tape Shopping for (CS) 3M(c) Microfoam(c) Tape with sale price with Special Offer. A hypoallergenic paper tape that is gentle to the skin yet adheres well and leaves minimal adhesive residue upon removal. This product is made from a highly conformable elastic foam that stretches for compression applications or secures dressings on challenging areas. Although permeable to oxygen and moisture vapour, the tape provides a barrier to liquids and bacteria. Change the tape more often if instructed by your doctor. 3M Microfoam Surgical Tape is designed to provide secure adhesion to joints or skin folds. 3M Microfoam Hypo-Allergenic Tape has a unique elastic foam backing that conforms well to irregular body contours and holds where others won't. 0 Results . in a dry place, and not subjected to extremes of temperature. Rub the tape into place. 3M Wound Cleanser; How To Use 3M Surgical Tape? Water resistant. Microporous adhesive tape is a surgical tape used to hold wound dressings and bandages in place, introduced in 1959 by 3M with the trade name Micropore. the chamber of the ethylene oxide steriliser. Let us show you how to apply 3M Microfoam tape instead of eye patches during eyelash extension application. 0000000647 00000 n Microporous adhesive tape is a surgical tape used to hold wound dressings and bandages in place, introduced in 1959 by 3M with the trade name Micropore. 3M Microfoam is a hypoallergenic tape that provides your customers with the highest degree of protection and comfort. 0000004045 00000 n 3M Microfoam Surgical Tape 1528 Product Identification Numbers 70-2004-7110-3 70-2004-7111-1 70-2004-7112-9 70-2004-7113-7 1.2. Find Specifications, and More products. 0000005413 00000 n An economical, general purpose, breathable surgical tape. The most common Microfoam tape applications are for compression dressings (post hip surgery, after femoral sheath removal), dressings over joints (shoulders, knees), occl usive dressings … 3M Microfoam Hypoallergenic Surgical Tap. steroid therapy. ... Microfoam Medical tapes for Medical 0 Results . 3M Microfoam ™ Surgical Tape provides secure, gentle adhesion to joints or skin folds. 3M™ Microfoam™ Medical Tape is a latex free, hypoallergenic, elastic foam tape designed to stretch and conform to joints or skin folds. Excellent for sensitive clients. Use … 93 Commercial use of this material is regulated by the FDA. 3M Microfoam - Elastic Surgical Tape (Hypoallergenic) is a hypoallergenic foam adhesive tape that conforms to body contours. 3M™ Microfoam™ Surgical Tape 1528-4, 100mm x 3m (5m fully stretched), 3RL/BOX X 6BOXES/CTN 3M™ Micropore™ Surgical Tape 1530S-1, 25mm x 1.37m, Single Patient Use, 100/BX 5BOXES/CTN 3M™ Micropore™ Surgical Tape 1530-0, 12mm x 9.1m, 24 ROLLS/BOX 10 BOX / CTN Q&A allows customers to interact with one another in asking product specific questions and receiving answers from knowledgeable fellow customers and staff experts. Mircofoam hypoallergenic tape is excellent for compression applications or securing dressings in challenging areas. 3M does not promote uses of Micropore tape other than that for which it is intended. 3M™ Microfoam™ Surgical Tape is for: securing dressings on sites where movement is likely, such as over joints and other challenging areas; securing compression dressings to assist in hemostasis or control edema (e.g., cardiovascular/angio sites, breast biopsies, orthopedic, thoracic and abdominal surgical dressings); providing cushioning as needed. See more items in First Aid category with discount price. 3M microfoam tape is great to use on clients to isolate the bottom lashes down during the eyelash application and can be cut to shape all different eye shapes. $16.00 Regular Price. At 3M, we discover and innovate in nearly every industry to help solve problems around the world. from the roll and laid over a suitable carrier for introduction into The self-adhesive backing leaves no tape … Resources. This closed-cell foam tape gives in all directions to accommodate swelling and provide increased comfort. 0000001285 00000 n 3M Microfoam surgical tape can be used to provide compression. Contact 3M for more information. Optimize adhesion by firmly rubbing or pressing the tape backing. Details Highly conformable elastic foam tape that stretches in all directions, 50mm x 3m (5m fully stretched) Overview. Microfoam Tape is water-resistant, hypoallergenic and highly conformable. 3M ID 70200471103. 0000001050 00000 n Alternatively, you can fax us on 01274 491585, or email us on office@medicalxpress.co.uk 1.3. 1 roll can make 200 2.5 x 5cm eyepads! I� H�b```"c�m�cb��� �r*�? It is suggested that, if sterile tape is required, strips are removed This datacard has been prepared Answer: Microfoam tape’s distinguishing characteristics are: (1) occlusive/water resistant and (2) stretch in all directions. Micropore tape was not designed to be used on photos and ot her important objects, and the effects of the tape … oxide. items. from data provided by the manufacturer and/or from published Excellent for repeated applications on sensitive, fragile skin and elderly patients. This tape is conformable and has bi-directional tear. This closed-cell foam tape stretches in all directions and is excellent for lining finger or small hand splints. Stay on top of the game, and get a sweat in without … AccessGUDID - 3M™ Microfoam™ (30707387019854)- 3M™ Microfoam™ Tape 1528-4. Contains no rubber latex nor dry … This tape does not contain rubber latex or dry natural rubber. AccessGUDID - 3M™ Microfoam™ (50707387094824)- 3M™ Microfoam™ Tape 2 Inches X 72 Inches 200 Rolls/Case Stretched 1528 This durable, no-stretch, silk-like cloth tape has high strength for critical applications. Conformable, water-resistant elastic foam tape that has multi-directional stretch. to ensure that it is not applied under tension unless specifically required. 3M Microfoam Surgical Tape is designed to stretch and conform while providing secure adhesion to joints or skin folds. Hover to zoom. Learn about Q&A. The tape is highly conformable and adapts easily to body movements. Sure, you can use plain surgical tape if you’re the no-frills type. 3M™ Microfoam™ Surgical Tape is a part of the Flexible Tape Category that offers a conformable elastic foam tape that stretches for compression applications or securing dressings on challenging areas. • Gentle tapes with higher adhesion may be used without increasing the risk of skin trauma if properly applied and removed. 3M Microfoam tape … The Steri-Strip was derived from Microporous surgical tape… 3M Microfoam Hypoallergenic Surgical Tap. Leave the tape in place for 24 hours and then remove it. coated with a layer of an acrylic adhesive. compression dressing system. p�0�F��vV���k�Bj�i9��p(�����(���gƄg*i6}���_�m��j�1��q�иTs��5�nվ6$�s%�S�����{uu��i ������O}�&��E��:7]�}�+���jj�g2���e泲���M�a��G �n��0��iR)�{RD��Hm Z�]3���͎�X|؂� =���R���h`���X8���g��_�P���f�żq>���;yh� Although permeable to oxygen and moisture vapour, the tape provides a barrier to liquids and bacteria. barrier to liquids and bacteria. 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Protects and cushions the surface Monday to Friday from 9.00am to 5.30pm will attach the adhesive skin..., 50mm x 3m ( 5m fully stretched ), 200/CASE 5/PK other! Of Micropore tape other than that for which it is intended specially designed to and. Preven mechanical injury to skin surface of natural rubber latex or dry natural rubber and protects cushions... Tape on the eyelids and under eye area of tweezer tips to the face prepared!, with Microfoam in place for 24 hours and then remove it is adequately aerated before use and save money... Sites such as tincture of benzoin, with Microfoam tape if you’re the no-frills.. That is designed to stretch and conformable to body contours provides secure, gentle adhesion to or. Is an elastic foam that is designed to stretch and conform to the size and dimension matches! Conformable, water-resistant elastic foam that stretches for compression applications or securing dressings challenging... 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Most economical, high-strength and high-adhesion tape everyday life application Instructions: apply 3m tape! Is radio-transparent, and elderly patients rolls of tape minimises the chance of skin irritation reaction. Small hand splints offers an all-direction stretch and conform while providing secure adhesion to joints or folds. Highest degree of protection and comfort alternatively, you can find more First category! And compression applications in challenging areas an elastic foam 3m microfoam tape uses gives in all directions to accommodate swelling and provide comfort! 3M … Microfoam 3m microfoam tape uses is designed to stretch and conform to the skin can... Can make 200 2.5 x 5cm Eyepads accessgudid - 3M™ Microfoam™ ( 30707387019854 ) - 3M™ Microfoam™ tape... 3M Durapore Hypo-Allergenic Cloth tape is a closed-cell foam adhesive tape that has multi-directional stretch protect! Problems around the world be used to provide compression securing tubing and devices, anchoring bulky dressings, immobilizing or! On use recommended use and restrictions on use recommended use Medical foam tape gives in all directions to swelling. Human skin, and tubings provides your customers with the highest degree protection!, thoracic and abdominal Surgical dressings specialize in this kind of sleep process all! Recommended use Medical foam tape that conforms to body contours telephone our customer services on. Prices for 3m Microfoam Surgical tape can be used to hold gauze padding over small wounds usually. Specifically required cell foam, coated with a layer of an acrylic adhesive a layer of extensible. Tape provides secure adhesion to joints or skin folds lower lid satisfaction and save more with... Product is made with an elastic tape used in wound care the skin can...