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As an absorb shield with a high absorption chance of 40%, the Transformer also helps to maintain ammunition levels during protracted fights. In this video I show you how you can get an anointed Transformer in Borderlands 3. Because of its special effects, it has tactical advantages and is therefore used in various character builds.The Transformer can randomly be obtained from any loot source as a world drop but also has a high chance of dropping from Queen Ant Wanette who is located in The … Usually it works but at times it just doesn’t seem to fill up my shield at all. Rakk: You'll want a Transformer with an action skill end elemental damage. I miss the be. Borderlands 3 Now you will be able to hand in the quest again. There's more than your eye can see – 100% shock damage to shield-charge conversion, and 40% projectile absorption. Accurate, up-to-date information that's easy to apply. Under such circumstances, sustained shock damage can offset other incoming damage and allow a Vault Hunter to weather fire from multiple sources without the need to evade. A Borderlands 3 save editor. An anointment with action skill cool down or damage reduction would be bonus. Easy Killavolt kill/farm ... Best of luck to everyone though I hope you get the shield (The Transformer) or are able to find out the exact location and can use it on the difficult quest in … Truth be told, I have no idea how any of the other shields work or there synergies. Lootlemon is an Item Database, Class Builder, DPS Calculator and Community for Borderlands Player. The Transformer's defining trait is its ability to absorb shock damage and use this to replenish itself. Lvl60 Transformer Shield SNTNL Mvmt Spd Xbox Bl3. If there's any legendary shield that deal with Explosions that could be a good fit if you're speccing into Demolition Woman The Transformer is highly effective against, The Transformer does not synergize with the. It is one of the best shields you can get in the game right now. Game(s): Shield. Under such circumstances, sustained shock damage can offset other i… Share - Lvl60 Transformer Shield SNTNL Mvmt Spd Xbox Bl3. Remember to keep an eye out for the yellow so you know when the electricity is coming. (High damage Action Skill and bonus cooldown - Avoid Clarity if possible) Increases max Rush stacks by 5 The Transformer is one of the key elements that you need for the ‘Invincible Moze Build’. This shield has a roundabout way of saying there's more than meets your eye, and for good reason - The Transformer boasts total shock immunity, and will instead power your shields, as … Special Part(s):InvBalD_Shield_LGD_TransformerAug_HYP_LGD_TransformerMat_HYP_LGD_Transformer I run a Rakk build and focus on Crit hits mostly. The Rerouter is the only one I can think of. The Transformer is a Hyperion Shield which is one of the best shields in the game. There's more than your eye can see. I’ve used either a Transformer, or a Back Ham most of the time. The Transformer (Image credit: Gearbox) This shield only has two perks, but both of them are incredible for absorbing very particular forms … Quest Reward Items in Borderlands 2 can be farmed on PC by Read-Only farming. Go to the location where you hand in the quest. Most of the time a shock weapon doing splash damage can heal your shield. Borderlands Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. It also isn’t too hard to farm and get. The Transformer This is the shield every player should have when facing an enemy that uses shock damage. From the absurd Lyuda to the monstrous Alchemist, here are some of the most insane, ridiculously destructive weapons in … Adrenaline Initiative • All-in • Double Downer • Ember's Blaze • Golden Touch • Guilty Spark • Limit Break • Loop of 4N631 • Mendel's Multivitamin • Moxxi's Embrace • Mr Caffeine Shield • MSRC Auto-Dispensary • Revengenader • Unpaler, Asclepius • Back Ham • Band of Sitorak • Beskar • Big Boom Blaster • Black Hole • Deluxe Badass Combustor • Faulty Star • Firewall • Front Loader • Frozen Heart • Frozen Snowshoe • Gas Mask • Impaler • Madcap • Messy Breakup • Nova Berner • Old God • Plus Ultra • Re-Charger • Rectifier • Red Card • Red Suit • Re-Router • Rico • Rough Rider • Scream of Terror • Shooting Star • Stinger • Stop-Gap • The Transformer • Torch • Version 0.m • Void Rift • Ward • Wattson • Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, Boardroom • Broodmother • Collaborator • Downsizer • Entrepeneur • Hivemind • Host • Longbow • Mogul • Outsourcer • Powerplay • Techspert, Acid Burn • Double Downer • Ember's Blaze • Guilty Spark • Just Kaus • Loop of 4N631 • LOV3M4CH1N3 • Melt Facer • Mendel's Multivitamin • MSRC Auto-Dispensary • Null Pointer • Pricker • Redistributor • Reunion • Short Stick • THE TWO TIME, Bitch • Brainstormer • Cheap Tips • Chupa's Organ • Conference Call • Convergence • Masterwork Crossbow • Crossroad • EMP • Face-puncher • Faulty Star • Fearmonger • Firestorm • Firewall • Front Loader • Gas Mask • Handsome Jackhammer • Heart Breaker • HOT Spring • Iceburger • Lightspeed • Nagata • Narp • Old God • Oldridian • Phebert • Predatory Lending • Proprietary License • Quasar • Re-Charger • Rectifier • Redistributor • Reflux • Slow Hand • Smog • Stop-Gap • Storm Front • Tankman's Shield • The Butcher • The Transformer • Ward • Widowmaker • Woodblocker • XZ41. Figure 1 – Principle of a shielded two winding transformer. Shield: The Transformer (World Drop) We’re going to be stacking shields in this build like we’re playing Shield of Retribution Moze, only without having to spend the points (more on that soon). Borderlands 3’s latest update lets you participate in a raid event called the Takedown At The Guardian Breach; we’ll just call it Guardian Takedown since that’s easier on the tongue.. We’ll break down the raid for you, then head to the loot guide. That mission is called “It’s Alive” in Desolation’s Edge on Nekrotafeyo. 40% chance to Absorb bullets as ammo. The construction of the transformer is such that the magnetic core forms the innermost layer, followed by the secondary winding, the electrostatic shield made of a conducting material (usually copper) and finally the primary winding. Happy Holidays my little BL3 freaks … admittedly, the one piece of gear I have kept constant almost the entire game is my shield and that has been and continues to be The Transformer. Shield: Transformer . The nerf is to increase its recharge delay by 150% and reduce the recharge rate by 50% so you have to be healing manually instead of also getting naturally fast shield … I recommend Cryo or Radiation. Still can't find what you were looking for? After the quest is completed there are 2 ways to farm base game items: DLC quest items can't be farmed by these methods. This build focuses on Elemental Damage and aims to spread its damage to all enemies in an area, making it excels at dealing with large groups of enemies. However, sometimes it doesn’t seem to work at all. The Transformer has a relatively decent shield capacity. The Transformer legendary shield says it converts 100% of Shock damage into shields. Just got a Transformer and it seems pretty good. Borderlands 3 The Transformer (BL3) up-to-date information on: drop rates, sources, locations, shield parts, unique effects, elements, buffs & nerfs, and more. The Transformer is a fan favorite shield in the bl3 community, it works very well for most if not all builds. Unlike the previous iteration, all parts are fixed. It also lists all of the relevant parts that are used for each weapon/item. Converts 100% Shock Damage into shields.40% chance to Absorb bullets as ammo.100% Shock Resistance. Red Chests, lockers, garbage containers, cardboard boxes, garbage/skag/... piles. Also, The Transformer is obtained randomly from any suitable loot source but has an increased chance to drop from Queen Ant Wanette located in The Splinterlands on Pandora. Tip: Store the items in Claptrap's Secret Stash.This way you can get the quest reward items multiple times since they are saved on a different SaveFile. External Source items are mailed to you for activities or purchases outside of the game. The Transformer (Borderlands 3) - a legendary shield in Borderlands 3 . Welcome to our Elemental Ricochet build guide for Amara the Siren in Borderlands 3. All parts are fixed. In such circumstances, it can be beneficial to target any shock damage enemies last in order to exploit their damage output as an ad hoc source of healing. Borderlands 3: 10 Most Insane Legendary Weapons. For the legendary shield in Borderlands 2, see. Converts 100% Shock Damage into shields. Mission Reward: Rarity: Macintosh PC PlayStation 5 Stadia Xbox Series X Xbox One. The Transformer's defining trait is its ability to absorb shock damage and use this to replenish itself. Transformer. The Re-Charger is the only shield that even comes remotely close to matching what the Transformer is capable of accomplishing in terms of defensive stats. This offers an unusual tactical advantage, not only against shock damage enemies but also in mixed enemy compositions where some deal shock damage. I have all the 50% dmg on ASE anointments for the Transformer … It just feels like the best bang for your buck in many cases. Modify your items, levels, customizations and more! Killavolt will form a shield around himself. In Borderlands 3 Quest Reward Items are rewarded after or during a quest. Manufacturer: The bonus is that you’re completely immune to Shock damage. Datamined items are not obtainable with legitimate methods.They can only be obtained using bugs or the Cheat Engine on the PC. The Transformer will still receive base damage from electrified attacks. The Transformer: S: Queen Ant Wanette: Just Desserts: The Splinterlands: 100% Shock resistance 40% chance to absorb bullets: Absorb: There's more than your eye can see. Go to the file path: Go to your most recent Save File (.sav) and: Exit to the main menu, then back into the game. Now I have a huge annoyance with my favourite grenade, Storm Front. The Transformer Shield since you are dependent on shields, you don't want shock weapons to take out your shield immediately so this shield is a must. +27/38/51% [any element except shock] Resistance. And the electric tiles keep getting harder to avoid. Of note, the Transformer can also convert self-inflicted Shock damage into Shields, which can be particularly useful to quickly restore shields. Archived. It has a high capacity and, despite what the tooltip says, it doesn’t start recharging when it’s depleted, it fully recharges. $3.70 Free local pickup I been using this in the DLC: … 1. Unavailable items were temporarily available during a seasonal event. The Transformer is a shield of Legendary or Orange rarity in Borderlands 3. In such circumstances, it can be beneficial to target any shock damage enemies last in order to exploit their damage output as an ad hoc source of healing. 15/30/40% Chance to absorb bullets as ammo. This item can be bought from the Seraph Vendor in the Base Game DLC. Ideally, you’ll have a Transformer shield saved up – it transforms all shock damage into shield charges, making the fight utterly trivial. 190. For example, an electrified bullet will have its shock effect nullified, but the bullet itself will still deal damage. World Drops are items that drop from any suitable Loot Source in addition to their other sources. I have been using a transformer shield a lot in BL3 and with various weapons. With Shield of Retribution tree a great shield seems essential. I haven’t used it. Best amp shield in BL3? The Transformer is actually obtainable via a side mission reward. The Transformer could refer to: The Transformer (Borderlands 2) - a legendary shield in Borderlands 2 . Homing missiles also work wonders, if you manage to put a tracker on the boss’ back and shoot around or over him. You’ll most likely get one by accident. Base Game World Drops are items that drop from any suitable Loot Source, within the Base Game DLC, in addition to their other sources. Then go into the file explorer on your computer. This offers an unusual tactical advantage, not only against shock damage enemies but also in mixed enemy compositions where some deal shock damage. Once you start the Takedown, you and your party need to stand on the two crystals to open the door in front of you. Save the game by toggling your Badass Rank on/off. 1. [BL3] spoiler. The Transformer is a legendary absorb shield in Borderlands 3 manufactured by Hyperion.It is obtained from the mission It's Alive located in Desolation's Edge, on Nekrotafeyo. You should wait until you’re at Level 50 before you accept this mission. They might come back. Hyperion Guide This Spreadsheet provides a code for each unique weapon/item with mostly perfect parts. Legendary Transformers "More than meets the eye" 100% Shock Resistance; Class Mod: Phasezerker = Activating Amara's Action Skill immediately gives her Max Rush Stacks. And it is definitely a must have for all the players running Moze. The Transformer. Lots of people prefer to use the transformer and a Maliwan splash weapon that does shock damage, the two pair really well. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. It's Alive (Borderlands 3) This shield has a roundabout way of saying there’s more than meets your eye, and for good reason – The Transformer boasts total shock immunity, and will instead power your shields, as well absorbing some bullets into your own ammo. Borderlands 3 PlayStation 4 . Figure 1 shows the principle involved in a shielded transformer. We’ve heard it can drop from Megamind, so you could try farming that. Make a backup of your original save. at the best online prices at … Converter electric damage into more shields is fantastic, wouldn't mind better Delay/Recharge though. Crazy Earl's Veteran Rewards machine in Sanctuary has one Quest Rewards as the Item of the day. Before I got the shield, one of the five grenades would often blow up near me and inflict a highly multiplied shock on myself from my own Amara skill tree. Posted by 1 year ago. Dedicated drops are items that can only be farmed at one or rarely more sources that have the item assigned to them. Today i will be showing how to farm a Transformer shield stupidly fast to get the perfect anointment. Close. The Transformer Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for [PS4] lvl 57 - BL3 (Borderlands 3) Anointed Legendary. Suitable Loot Source in addition to their other sources into the file explorer on your.! 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